Not by the shit of my shitty-shit-shit.

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*Title is completely unrelated. Except for the fact that this chapter is, once again, shit.
-So, like, how would masochists react after they find out that their partner is cheating on them or something? Would they love/like the feeling? Asking for Kazuma (Konosuba).
+Fun fact, my feet are at the bottom. 

"Can you remind me why I have to wear fake G cups?" Keisei asked.

"And, why do I have to wear this brown hair wig? That is clearly a woman's hair?" Akito asked.

"And why are you and Airi wearing those? And why is someone from Ryuuen's class here? No offense Shiina-san." Keisei said.

"None taken." Hiyori said with a smile.

"Calm down. Ok, first, Shiina-san is here because we needed one more person to fill the role of a character, and she's the only one that was willing to join without any payment. Other than her share of the p[rize of course. Second, we are wearing all of these because we're doing cosplay so that we can win the contest and get those 500k points. Any more questions?" Haruka asked after explaining.

"Uhh, context?" Akito asked.

"Ah, right! We'll be back after this short, I think, context!" Haruka said while pointing somewhere and winking. I don't know what she's doing, but it seems important.


I am currently making my way to the classroom, at a rather quick pace than usual, maybe because I'm curious about what Chabashira-sensei said yesterday. She said that she was going to announce something tomorrow, which is today, and that will benefit us actually, and there will be no downsides in us participating. I am personally hoping for something simple and something that can earn me a good amount of points. I've been spending a lot lately, no, not because I'm buying unnecessary stuff. It's because first, my deal with Kushida, which was giving half of my points to her every month. I tried offering my body to her, but when I did, she froze up, for about half an hour, or maybe longer. I'm not sure since I left her still standing still, not moving. Anyway, I didn't get my answer, she probably thought about rejecting me, but because the offer was too indecent, she was frozen.

The second reason as to why I need points, and why I quickly ran out of points this month, is because a few notable people from Class B, which is Ryuuen's class, invited me last week. It was on the day of my birthday, or rather, the day of my and Ryuuen's birthday. At first, I rejected the offer, but Hiyori came along and said she wanted to celebrate the day with both me and Ryuuen, still, I was thinking of rejecting the offer, but Ibuki was with Hiyori. Anyway, I pretty much lost points because Ryuuen left me with the bill. 

That was actually pretty typical of him and was quite expected. But I let my guard down, so I had a fault there as well. Anyway, I need points, so, if Chabashira-sensei's announcement is some event I can join in, I will, since I really do need the points. 

After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached the classroom, and it seems like today's topic is Chabashira-sensei's announcement. I'm not surprised. I walked towards my seat, which was just by the door. Fortunately, my seatmate, Matsushita isn't here yet., if she was, she'd probably try to ask me about my opinion onChabashira-sensei's announcement and ask me what I think it would be.

As I sat down, I noticed that the Ayanokouji group was making their way towards me. They probably want to talk about Chabashira-sensei's announcement.

"Hey, Kiyopon! How are ya'?" Haruka asked with a wave after she arrived at my desk along with the other members of the Ayanokouji group.

"I'm good. How about you guys?" I asked.

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