Story 3: PianoKouji

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A/N: I know corny title but this wasn't supposed to be published.

*Saturday with the Ayanokouji Group at Keyaki*

The group was at Keyaki just walking around while talking to each other then suddenly a question was asked.

Keisei: So Kiyotaka, other than being good at Math, what other subjects do you still excel at?

Akito: Yeah I was curious about that too.

Haruka: You have to answer us honestly, you told us you wont keep anymore secrets right?

Kiyotaka: (Sigh) Fine, let's see, umm I guess I can get 90-100 if I study very hard, I think?

Haruka: You think?

Kiyotaka: Well to be honest the last time I studied very hard was before taking the entrance exam here, so I'm not really sure of my full capabilities in the other subjects.

Keisei: Wait, so you're saying that you weren't studying properly when we held the study group?

Kiyotaka: Well I was, but what I meant by study hard is something one might call over studying or something.

Akito: Care to explain?

Kiyotaka: Sure, basically what I do is, from the day the test is announced up to the day of the test I study diligently and stay inside my room only going out when needed.

The others were slightly shock at his explanation.

Haruka: D-don't you think thats too much?

Keisei: Y-yeah, t-that's too much even for me.

Akito: Well at least now we know that we shouldn't push Kiyotaka to do something like that.

Everyone agrees.

Airi: W-well Kiyotaka-kun, other than academics and running fast what else are you good at?

Airi, who has been silent up until now asked Kiyotaka shyly.

Kiyotaka: Well, I guess I can do a little of piano and calligraphy.

Haruka: Piano and calligraphy huh? Aren't those things quite hard?

Keisei: Well if you don't practice them of course they'd be hard.

Akito: I kind of want to hear Kiyotaka play the piano.

Airi: I-I also want to hear it as well.

Kiyotaka: If I had a piano I would gladly play for you, but unfortunately I don't have one.

Keisei: Yeah, considering that we have to keep our points in check it's not surprising that you don't have one, sadly we can't hear you play since it's not like a piano will appear out of nowhere. 

Haruka: That's it! I just remembered we passed a piano near the center of the mall earlier it even had a label that said 'Free to try'!

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