Mi último adiós/My last farewell

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-Aight, it's time...
*Can't believe it's actually been a year since I started this...
>I "nerfed" Kiyopon a bit.

"What... even is this situation." Ayanokouji asked himself.


"Ugh..." I let out a light groan as I sat up from my bed. It seems that I'm paying the price for my lack of sleep in the past few days... Well, at least there aren't any new Special Exams or any kind of exam for that matter. Though, there're still classes that I have to attend, how unfortunate.


Hm? A message? .....It's from Sakayanagi, what does she even want this early in the morning? 





And four more messages come before I could even check the first one... Guess I should just read it and get it over with...


"Oh... I must've misread that..."


Nope, definitely didn't misread that, which is unfortunate... Very very unfortunate... Oh well, nothing I can do about it, I guess, it's their choice. All I can do is hope that no trouble will come to me, but then again, it's Sakayanagi we're talking about so that's just wishful thinking.

[Yawn~~] I let out a yawn as I stretch my arms before I got up. Hmm, I wonder, what should I do first, should I message Kei? No, knowing her she'd still be asleep at this time. Eat breakfast or take a bath first? Hmm... Ah, right, Horikita owes me a favor, I should ask her for breakfast. Hmm, text or call? She probably wouldn't respond if I just send a text, so call it is, I guess.

I look for Horikita's name in my contacts, and once I found it, I called. Knowing her, she'd probably be up by now, so she should pick up...



<Yes?> Oh, there we go, I knew Horikita would pick up, I never doubted it... Maybe.

"Goodmorning, Horikita... san." I greeted.

<Ayanokouji-kun, if you want something, please say it now, or I'm hanging up.> I didn't notice at first, but her voice is different, it's deeper. Obviously, it's normal after all, considering the time, she just probably woke up just like me. Anyway, I just pointed it out because I love it, I wish this is what she always sound like.

<Hello? Ayanokouji-kun, I repeat, if you have something to say or ask, do it now, I still have to make breakfast and get ready for school.> She said.

"Sorry, I kinda spaced out a bit. Anyway, you know that you owe me, right?" I asked.

<...My answer depends on what you will ask for.> She said. Hmm, how should I ask? Normally? Or.....

"Oh, great Princess Horikita, please grace me with your kindness and allow me to ask for you to cook me breakfast." I said with the most emotion I can. Which isn't a lot, and that made it sound like I was just making fun of her.

<.....I'll consider if you repeat the "Princess" part.> She said. That... That is not what I expected, neither did any of you readers, right? 

"Uhh sure, I guess?" I said.

<Well? I'm waiting.> Wait a bit woman, it's embarrassing once you realize what I said...

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now