Title? Who needs those?

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*As of the time I'm writing this, Amasawa and Ryuuen were tied, so I just decided by myself.

"What do you guys need this time?" Ayanokouji asked the group of 4 in front of him.

"Ask this guy. He was the one who dragged us here." Ibuki said in an annoyed tone.

"Kuku, go on Ishizaki, tell him. He won't laugh at you... Well, more like he can't." Ryuuen said.

'That hurts, I can laugh, it's just not... genuine.' Ayanokouji thought.

"As hurtful the words of Ryuuen are, it is true, I won't laugh at you. No matter what it is." Ayanokouji said.

"Hurtful he says. Your tone is as neutral as a photon." Ryuuen said.

".....Ignoring Ryuuen, please start explaining, Ishizaki, I have other things to do." Ayanokouji said.

"A-Ah, right... Well, how should I start..... I, uh, like a girl and I wanted to ask for your help, so that I can confess to her..." Ishizaki said

".....Please make your way out of my room and close the door on your way out." Ayanokouji said.


See? I told you this guy isn't going to help you." Ibuki said.

"Now, gimme the money." Ibuki said as she stretches her arm out towards Ishizaki and Ryuuen.

"Not yet, Ishizaki hasn't begged yet." Ryuuen said.

"Tsk." Ibuki clicked her tongue.

"W-Why not, Ayanokouji-san? A-Aren't we bros?" Ishizaki asked.

'Well, I'm friends with Albert, so you're more like a friend of a friend. So, no, we're not bros... I shouldn't say that straight to his face.' Ayanokouji thought.

"I don't know. Are we?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Yes! Well, if you're ok with it... But that can be sorted out later, for now, please help me, Ayanokouji-san, at least give me tips or something! Anything that can help!" Ishizaki begged.

"Look, you're going to the wrong person since I don't know much about love, nor girls." Ayanokouji said.

"B-But you got tons of girl friends! At least tell me how can I start a conversation with a girl or something. Please?" Ishizaki said.

"I only got one girlfriend though?" Ayanokouji said.

"No, I think he meant female acquaintances, like you and me." Ibuki said.

"We're acquaintances?" Ayanokouji asked.

"What?" Ibuki asked.

"Just now, you used our relationship as an example to explain that I have lots of female acquaintances." Ayanokouji said.

"What? Who in their right mind would even want to be acquainted with you?" Ibuki said.

'Damn it, that came off harsh.' Ibuki thought.

"Well... Ishizaki?" Ayanokouji said.

"Bold of you to assume that Ishizaki is in his right mind when he's being delusional." Ryuuen said.

"...Right..... Well, anyway, pretending that Ibuki hadn't said what she said and moving on. I just can't help you since I have no reason to, and, as I've said, I'm not that good with girls, nor anything related to love." Ayanokouji said.

"W-What if we give you something in return?" Ishizaki asked.

"I... might consider consulting someone." Ayanokouji said.

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