Hehe Boi~

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*I am now immune to NTR...
+I find it funny that people use the word 'Stans' not knowing that its origin is pretty negative.
-90 frickin' parts! 10 more parts to go before I mark this complete!

"Please, whatever you guys are planning to do, I advise you to stop."

"Aww~ Don't be like that, Ayanokouji-kyun~~"

"I really am warning you guys, don't come any closer." 

"Fufufu was that a threat just now, Ayanokouji-kun. Hmm~?" 

"Well... Yes?"

"What's making you so hesitant, Ayanokouji-kun? We're already giving you consent to touch us." Well, good question, Sakayanagi, to answer that, it's because a wise man once said, "Touch a young lady with no breasts, you'll most likely be under arrest." ...I shouldn't say that to Sakayanagi, or to any chopping board.

"Come on, Ayanokouji~, we know you want it~" Well... Yes, the other me, Hornykouji Kiyoabaka does, but me? No thanks, I'd rather just stick to giving all of you head pats for now.

"Hmm, well if Kiyotaka doesn't want other girls, you have me~ Your dear girlfriend~" If only Doges were allowed on school grounds, these women would've been bonked already... How'd it even come to this?

[Fourth wall-chan is currently giving birth so we can't break her.]


Today was a pretty tiring day, the Special exam had just ended and for the first time in a long while, our class actually got first place, and somehow Sakayanagi and Ichinose's class were tied for second and Ryuuen's was at last place. Anyway, as I said earlier, it was pretty tiring, that's why I'm here in my dorm eating the food I definitely asked Horikita to make for my hard work and drinking a cold can of non-alcoholic beverage...

...I need to have more times like this one since I would most likely not be able to do it when I go back to that place, actually, even if I "graduate" from that place, I doubt I'm going to have a chance to spend my time like this... Unless..... No, that won't work... Hmm... Or would it?


Hm? Who would be here at this time? Well, it's not that late, but usually, people are lazy around these times... Well, only one way to find out.

I stood up and made my way towards the door to open it. When I opened it, it was two people who I didn't expect.

"Sakayanagi? And... Your assistant." I said.

"I have a name you know?"

"Yes, I know, but that last time I called you by your name you got angry so I thought..."

"Well... That was the first time we met. Besides, I'd rather have you call me by my name than her 'assistant'." She said.

"Ok then... Masumi."

"Wha- What?!"


"Why'd you casually use my name?" 

"Oh sorry, should I have used honorifics? Sorry about that, Masumi-san." I said.

"T-That's not the problem!" She flusteredly said.

"Fufu, I didn't know you two were close." Oh, I forgot, she was bringing a doll.

"...Ayanokouji-kun." Sakayanagi said.


"Did you perhaps think about something rude just now?" She asked. Sometimes, I wish I was a woman to get whatever powers they have...

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now