Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. (4)

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*You thought it was an Author's Note didn't ya? I also thought that.....

Ayanokouji POV

I just woke up, and I felt something heavy on top of me...

I looked down and saw eyes that I am very much familiar with, paired along with the most mischievous smile, along with that was her Scarlet hair, which is, now isn't tied into twin-tails. It was Amasawa Ichika, who was staring at me.

"Didn't I tell you to go back to your dorm?" I said.

"Aww, is that how you treat your little sister?" Ichika-chan, or what she wants me to call her, said.

"Little sister or not, you shouldn't be in my dorm, more so a boy's dorm." I said.

"Hehe, it's almost like my big brother is implying that I shouldn't get a boyfriend." She said.

"I don't care whether or not you get a boyfriend, as long as you keep me out of it." I said while pushing her off of me.

"That's too cold, even for you, Onii-chan~," She said.

"Please stop calling me that, I'd prefer you call me Senpai again or something." I said.

"Oooohh, does, "Senpai", have a Kohai fetish or something~." She said. I just stared at her for a few seconds then sighed before going into the bathroom to take a shower.

I was only able to find out that Ichika really was my little sister when the news about the White Room shutting down came, Chairman Sakayanagi was the one who told me. I was actually surprised that he told me about all that since that news was only broadcasted outside the school, thus, making it some sort of contact outside the school in some way. 

When I asked him why he told me all that, he said that family matters such as these are allowed, since it is important, though I'm pretty sure he knows that to me, the news about the White Room shutting down was more important than the fact that I had a little sister, and that man being hospitalized and bedridden.

[At this point, you may be asking why did I make Ichika-sama and Kiyo siblings, right? The answer to that is... I don't really know myself. (ノ≧ڡ≦)]

After taking a shower, I decided to cook myself some breakfast, after that, I changed into my school uniform and headed out.

It normal day for me, other than the few glances that I receive, there has been no notable changes, except the fact that I'm now a father of 24 children, but in public, not really much has changed other than the fact that our class was now in Class A. 

There are only two main reasons why our class was in Class A, first, it was because Kouenji lost the bet last year, thus, he is forced to help us, and he had been contributing more than anyone, second, was what happened in the former Class A, they had too many dropouts during the Uninhabited Island Special Exam last year, which resulted to their expulsion, and the cause of all that was Ryuuen.

Now, under normal circumstances, Arisu's class should've only fallen into Class B, but, unfortunately for them, we were able to overtake them by only 10 points or so, the lead of the current Class A at that time, which was Ryuuen's class, wasn't that big either, so, we were able to overtake them in the Special Exam that followed, well, it was mostly me and Kouenji, since Suzune was still pregnant at that time, and the reason for Arisu's class falling, was that she was pregnant as well, so there was no one to defend their class' position.

Of course, up until now, no one knows about the pregnancy incident, and it should stay like that since it involves two very attractive teachers and a few notable female students, I could only imagine the chaos if it were to be made public.

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