No One Ever said Humpty Dumpty was an egg. Why did you think he was an Egg? Baka

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"Sooo..... What are we doing in the library again Haruka?" Keisei asked.

"We're trying to look for answers." Haruka said while skimming the pages of a book that she was holding.

"Can't you just let it go? It was just a joke you know?" Keisei said.

"I can't, if I don't find an answer, I'll be forced to believe that everything in my childhood was a lie." Haruka said and Keisei lets out an exasperated sigh.

"You know, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't say that Akito." Keisei said.

"I couldn't help it. And I wanted to hear your opinions on the matter." Akito replied.

"I can't believe that we're wasting our time searching for an answer to what Humpty Dumpty is. Why can't we just leave it as it is? Why can't we just accept that he's an egg?" Keisei asked.

"Why did you even say that in the first place?" Keisei asked.

"It's not like I knew it would lead to this situation. And to answer your question, it's because it's funny." Akito said.

"I don't get what's so funny about it. It's just disturbing." Keisei said.

"Guys be quiet, I'm trying to focus to find the answer." Haruka said while reading the book, the book that she was reading was a book of Nursery Rhymes. FOr some reason, it feels just right for Haruka to be reading that book. Maybe because she was the mother figure of the group? If so, then, does that make Airi the baby? If that's the case then..... Nope, I shouldn't think about that that'll bother me more than this Humpty Dumpty problem.

"You know, I never thought you could put Haruka and the word book in the same sentence." Akito whispered to me and Keisei.

"You just did you idiot." Keisei said.

"Dude, it was a joke....." Akito said.

".....I see." Keisei said.

"You're bad with jokes Keisei." Akito said.

"No, your jokes are just bad." Keisei countered.

"No they aren't, you can ask Kiyotaka right here." Akito said as he points at me with his thumb.

"He doesn't even laugh at your jokes." Keisei said. Sorry Keisei, because of that, I'm siding with Akito.

"Well, the laughing problem is because of who I am. But I think Akito's jokes are pretty good." I said.

"Heh. Told you so." Akito said with a smug smile directed at Keisei.

"Shut up you former Chuunibyou." Keisei said and smiled smugly as well upon seeing Akito's reaction.

"Geh! Shut up!" Akito was embarrassed. If I was a girl, no, to be more specific, if I was an Ara-Ara Onee-san, I would have taken Akito..... Forget I thought about that.

"Miyatchii, be quiet, we're in the library." Haruka said.

"R-Right, sorry." Akito said.

"Heh. Eyepatch." Keisei said with a chuckle.

"Please don't remind me about that." Akito said.

"Come on. No one can forget about that." Keisei said referring to the picture of 8th Grade Akito wearing an eyepatch while doing a weird pose. 

"No, I think if you see Haruka wearing a--" I was about to say something but Haruka cut me off.

"K-Kiyopon!" Haruka said suddenly. Since there was no librarian, there was no one to scold Haruka for shouting, but other students who were in the library glared at her.

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