COTE Reacting to Fanfics, 'cause why not?

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*Well, this wasn't supposed to be one I was publishing, but here I am, publishing it and talking to no one in particular. Welp, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. BTW, the fanfics used here are my fanfics if you didn't notice, but I kind of doubt that since I know my readers are smart peopl-- Degenerates.


3rd Person POV

The students of ANHS were called to the school auditorium, the students were confused, and most thought that it was going to be something related to some Special Exam again, but the teachers reassured them and told them that everything will be explained, this made the students relax a bit.

After a long ass time, everybody was in the auditorium, they were told to seat down by class, which they did because they had no choice. Once everyone was seated, the best teacher, Mashima Tomonari-sensei, went up to the stage.

"I know all of you must be confused because all of this is so sudden, but we reassure you, this is not a Special Exam." Mashima-sensei announced.

"Today, you are, rather, we are going to watch/read something called 'COTE Fanfictions'." Everyone was genuinely confused.

"What the hell is COTE?" Someone asked in a loud voice.

"Well, that will be explained by our guest." Mashima-sensei said and a young man who is seemingly in his teens walked onto the stage, he was wearing..... Pajamas? No, it's a jumpsuit, to be more specific, a Snorlax jumpsuit.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked another student but the young man didn't speak, he just stared at everyone and everyone stared back.


Moments pass and no one was making a sound, except the fart sound that came from somewhere in Ryuuen's class, but after that, more silence, and a little more, like, a teensy weensy bit more.

"A-Ahh, this is embarrassing, I forgot my lines!" The young man exclaimed while covering his face.

"What?" Most students said.

"A-Ahh, uhm, p-please wait a minute, I need my cards." The boy said while searching the non-existent pockets of his jumpsuit.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?" 

"HAHAHA, is this a comedy show or something?" 

"Oi, you're wasting our time!" 

Students started to voice their thoughts loudly.

"Uhh, uhm, sorry! I-I have s-stage flight! Ah! I-I mean fright! Stage fright!" The poor young man said.

"Students, please refrain from saying anything unnecessary and be patient." Mashima-sensei said.

"Hah! found it!" The boy exclaimed as he pulled out some cards from the hood of his jumpsuit.

'Finally!' Most students thought.

"Uhh, so, first of all, I'm sorry for the delay." The boy said.

"Second, I'm very sorry to call all of you here, but I know some of you are happy that you aren't in class, I mean, I would feel the same since I myself am a student, but anyway, as Mashima-sensei said, you will be reacting to COTE Fanfics." The boy read from one of his cards without making eye contact with the audience in front of him.

"What are COTE Fanfics you may ask? Well, first, let me explain what COTE is. COTE is the abbreviated name for Classroom of the Elite, or in Japanese, Youkuso Jitsuryoku something-something, which is a light novel that has both manga and anime adaption. The story is centered around a 17-year-old boy as of this moment." The boy read from another card that he was holding.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now