(A Fuckin Weird Idea) Dere Series: Yandere Shop..... Yeah, y-you read that right

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*I should be studying, but since the exams are just 20% of my grade, I decided not to.
>And this'll be an AU, so Kiyo is out in the public, not just in the school, Ayanopapa was the victim of 'that' incident, which will be mentioned later.


3rd Person POV

We see our protagonist, he is currently making his way to a shop that had been opened by the country's government years ago, well, the public recognizes and treats it as a shop, but in reality, its some sort of facility that locks up Yanderes in their own rooms, or rather, jail room, to prevent them from killing and causing problems... They are usually dormant, but when they see someone they like or someone they attracted to, they become lively and violent.

Once he had arrived, he stood still in front of the door, he looked through the glass door for a second before sighing and eventually going in. Once he was inside, the clerk, who was a man that had magenta hair, in a length that was a bit longer than most boys' hair. His back was facing the customer, Ayanokouji.

"Uh, excuse me." Ayanokouji said and the clerk turned around to face Ayanokouji.

"Hm? A customer, that's rare. Are you sure you're in the right shop?" The clerk asked.

"If this is the Yandere shop, then yes, I think I am in the right one." Ayanokouji said.

"I see, then." He said before clearing his throat.

"Hello, welcome to Yanderes are Us. Where the girls hold you so dear you'll scream in fear. Before we continue I am legally obliged to inform you that you have been put on a list just for entering our store. Don't worry, that's just normal procedure. My name is Ryuuen Kakeru. Now, what sort of freak can I offer you today?" The clerk, Ryuuen, said in a tired and monotone voice clearly showing that he doesn't like saying what he just said.

"Uhh, it might be a bit weird to ask, but can I take like, 20 girls or something?" Ayanokoujij asked.

"Not this shit again." Ryuuen whispered to himself then sighed.

"Sir, you cannot. There is a strict limit of one yandere per customer. Incidents in the past of yandere harems have on numerous occasions lead to bodily and mental harm for both the customer and unrelated parties. Furthermore having more than one yandere is highly illegal, both at the federal level and also from the Geneva convention. Now, what SINGLE yandere can I interest you in?" Ryuuen said.

"Oh, I see." Ayanokouji said.

'So the authorities weren't lying when they said that my father was killed by his own harem...' Ayanokouji thought.

"Uh, can I look around for a bit? Or can you show me who you have? "Ayanokouji asked.

"Yes. Of course. I can give you a tour of our products. Right this way." Ryuuen said as he lead the way to a door that was made of Titanium and had multiple locks, it seemed like they were just being over-cautious, but they weren't, it was a needed door to prevent any of the girls from getting out.

Both men entered so casually, ignoring the fact that there was a chance that there might've been a loose Yandere, which, thankfully, or luckily, there wasn't.

"On the left, we have Shiina Hiyori. She is by far the most tame yandere, being one of the few without a history of violence. ... That we know of. She is a very intelligent girl, always seeking to quantify her love. For instance, measuring by what percentage her pupils dilate when looking at you. Or measuring how much her heart rate increases when near you. Right now, her living space doesn't exactly allow for that sort of scientific analysis, however. So you can note that she is counting. She is counting the hairs on your head so that she has a reference for hair loss at a theoretical future date. She'll say something along the lines of "that other girl caused you to lose 3% of your hair, indicating stress. You should cut off ties with her." Overall, she is among the finest Yanderes we have available, and I highly recommend her. Especially for ones not experienced with Yanderes." Ryuuen said.

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