Roses are red-- Yeah, you know how it goes: Grad and (No) Party (Yet)! (6)

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Ayanokouji POV

I was wearing a suit, yes, for some reason, our batch was the only batch that had to wear formal wear on graduation, last year, and the year before that, the graduating students were wearing their school uniforms, but us, we had to wear suits and ties and dresses for the girls, well, not like I'm uncomfortable with it, I'm just saying that I'd prefer the school uniform, well, no use thinking about it now I guess.

I looked around the whole gymnasium, it was designed very nicely, the Student Council had actually outdone themselves, but I wasn't really interested in that, I was more interested in the area that was designated for sponsors and their representatives as well as some companies that are probably scouting for young talents, there were also college staffs, probably to offer students enrollment or scholarships in their colleges, there was also a man that looks like Kouenji, but the difference was that, he looked older and that he didn't have a very irritating smirk, perhaps it's Kouenji's father? Ah, that's right, I remember him saying that their family owns a conglomerate company.

That wasn't the only thing that caught my interest, I also saw someone who I'm very familiar with sitting on a chair at the sponsors' area, it was Horikita Manabu, to think he's already a sponsor, as expected of him, maybe I'll talk to him later, after all, he's already my Nii-san, wait no, that sounds wrong, I'll just stick with Aniki, yeah, that sounds better.

["Students, we will be starting in a few moments, please settle down."] A voice said, it came from the speaker, I could tell that it was Mashima-sensei, someone who had helped me with the matter of Tsukishiro-chan and Shiba-sensei in my 2nd year, I'm thankful to him.

Since I was bored, and I was meters away from my friends and acquaintances, for who knows why I decided to use my phone, I put it on silent earlier, so upon opening it, I was kind of surprised by the number of messages that I had received, I had received one from Ichika, there was a photo attached along with the message, I decided that I would open that first.


Yeah... I better not open that in public, people might think I'm a pervert, then, there were also messages from the different Group chats that I didn't even know that I was part of, of course, there was also the Ayanokouji Group's group chat, then, there were also multiple private messages from its members, I decided not to open them yet and continued to scroll through my notifications.

There were messages from my partners, including Tsubasa, who told me to take care of our baby, since she wasn't part of the graduating batch yet, which is our year, she had left our baby into my arms, that reminds me, I wonder how my mother will react if she finds out she's already a grandmother? Will she be happy? Or will she be sad because being a grandmother implies old age? I mean, within the 3 years of me being in this school, I was thought not to bring up a ladies age, for some reason, it's offensive, or so, what Sae-sensei said.

Other than my partners, or I guess I should call them concubines? Wait no, the definition of concubines is that a girl/partner will always be lower than the other, which means unequal treatment, so, not concubines, wives then? No, I'll just stick with girlfriends. Anyways, other than receiving messages from them, there were also messages from, Ryuuen, Ishizaki, who I remembered that I'm already a first name basis with, so I should call him Daichi, and of course his partner, Albert, then, another message from a guy, was from Hashimoto, who had transferred to our class, just after the final Special Exam, so he wasn't lying when he said that he'd transfer to the winning class, not that it matters to me.

I was going to read the messages, but I heard a voice, it came from the speaker.

["We will now start the Graduation Ceremony."] It was Mashima-sensei who said that once again. After he said that, the whole venue dimmed.

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