Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. (5)

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*To think that this was supposed to be a one-shot... I'm disappointed in myself, for multiple reasons...

Ayanokouji POV

It's been a little more than a month since the Special Exam had started, so far, everything has been going well, as long as you ignore the fact that Ichika sneaks into my dorm from time-to-time, and the sudden invites I get from certain people.

"WAAAAAHHHHH" A loud cry was heard throughout the room.

We all turned toward the direction of the sound, it was one of my daughters with Kei, Ayamé, she was the oldest of the quadruplets, but she's been the one who's been crying so much this far. Everyone just got used to her sudden cries, so most would just either smile or laugh, while some wouldn't really care, well, except Keisei whose face scrunched up every time classes get disturbed, but he doesn't say anything since he does understand that it's just a baby.

[Name provided by @Akeiame, Arigathanks Gozaimuch. :D]

The one who was carrying Ayamé apologized to the teacher and ask him permission to go out, and he allowed them to. The person carrying Ayamé was made their way out of the room.

"Ah." I let out a sound as I felt a light tug on my hair, I looked behind, it was Ayamé and the one carrying her was Kei. Kei tried to take Ayamé's hand off of my hair but her grip was good. Well, at least I know that she inherited my strength.

"Ayamé-chan let go." Kei said in a slightly scolding tone as she once again tries to remove the baby's grip.

"Ahhh mou, why won't you listen." Kei said. I sighed and took Ayamé's hand off of my hair and she started crying. I sighed once again and stood up, then I took Ayamé from Kei, and held her in my arms, and thankfully she stopped crying.

"Oh, thank you Ayanokouji-kun!" Kei said with a smile and a light blush. Suddenly, I felt the room become cold, oh, right, I have other babies with other girls, wait, that sounds wrong in a lot of ways.

"It's no problem. Here." I said as I hand Ayamé to Kei.

She thanks me again and I sat down again as she and Ayamé go out of the class. My classmates didn't really think of that much of a big deal, my interaction with Kei that is. The reason for that is because we had become, "Friends", in public, it all started when Hirata had invited me to go with him to the mall, along with his, female friends, which includes Kei. The reason for him inviting me was because he said that he was the only boy there and that there were other female students that he had never interacted with, so he felt slightly uncomfortable, surprising to say at least.

Then, it seemed like Kei took that as an opportunity to interact with me and tried to talk to me, and because Chiaki and Maya already know about everything about me and Kei, they decided to help her, and naturally, they also became my friends, again, only on the surface.

That actually reminds me, what are my relationships with the other girls labeled as now? I mean, Kei is still my girlfriend, and a friend in public, Suzune, is well Suzune, I guess, as for the other girls, I don't really know how else I can label my relationship with them. I mean, we all decided to call on another by our first names, and by we, I meant them, not that I mind of course, but other than that, what really is our relationship? Friends? Best friends? Girlfriends? Wives? 

Well, I guess there's no use thinking about it if I can't get a proper answer.

~Timeskip to lunch~

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