Ryuuen's (K) Cafe'

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*Oh hey, we are at the 99th chapter...
-This was "inspired" by a meme.

It was already the end of classes for the day, we were dismissed relatively early today since the teachers had an emergency meeting. So now, I'm preparing to leave. Well, "was" until I heard something interesting from one of my classmates.

"Hey hey, did you hear? Class C opened a cafe'!" One of the girls from my class said in a loud voice, or at least loud enough for me to hear.

"Ehhh? Really?" The other one asked.

"Yep! I was thinking of going but..." She paused before finishing the sentence.

"But what?" Her friend asked.

"Well, the name is kinda..... Hmm, how do I say this... Here, just look at the name." The girl said as she turned the screen of her phone to her friends.

"Eh? What kind of name is that?" 

"Right? Talk about tasteless." Hey, say it out loud, I'm curious.

"Still though, the reviews are good. 4.8 stars..." The girl said.

"Hmm, I guess it won't hurt to go. Should we check it out before we head back to the dorms?" One of her friends asked.

"Well, it would be good to try new things, so I'm in!" One said and the others agreed. After that, all of them left the room. 

I decided to wait for a bit before leaving since I didn't want them to think I was waiting for them to leave.

Hmm, I also want to check it out, but going there all by myself would just be sad... I would invite the Ayanokouji group but all of them have something to do today. 

Keisei joined a club, I think it was a club that's related to research. Akito has an appointment with his female senpai. Haruka and Airi are with a few other girls from the class, I think they mentioned something about the gym or working out.

What about others? Well, Horikita is... Horikita, and that's that. Anyone from Class C would probably be working in the cafe since it's theirs, going with Ichinose would attract too much attention, and obviously, I can't be in public with anyone from Sakayanagi's class... 

So, who else is left? Matsushita? No, she'd probably want some answers in return. Sato, obviously not, I'm not someone who can initiate conversation and I doubt she'd be able to compose herself to start a conversation so it'd probably become awkward. Kei, also a no since we can't go public... yet. Hirata has practice, first years and third years are troublesome. A teacher? That's going to start problematic rumors. 

What about any acquaintances that won't cause any stir-ups? Or friends of friends that are close enough to invite to a cafe casually. Let's see, some candidates are... No one... None that I can think of... Nagumo? 


Why did I even consider that? Well, anyway, it's unfortunate that I have no one to go with, so I guess I'll just check it out when at least someone from the Ayanokouji group is available... Or so I would've thought if I didn't see a certain someone who I already spent a few chapters with, in this book and in some other books made by other authors that read this book. Or something like that.

Hmm, how should I approach her... If I just suddenly ask she might get the wrong idea, and that would be bad.

"Ah, Ayanokouji-kun, there you are!" Never mind, it seems like she had business with me.

"Oh, hello, Amikura." I greeted back.

"You seemed to be deep in thought, did I bother you?" Well, yes, in a good way.

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