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Ayanokouji POV

"So, first, you take a hold of both sides."

"Then, you slowly and gently open or spread them, like this."

"Next, you use your tongue to lick it until you get that thick, white cream."

"And that's how your eat an Oreo!" Haruka exclaimed. To be honest, that sounded so wrong for some reason.

I was in the classroom with the Ayanokouji group, we were just mostly messing around, by we, I meant them, mostly, anyway, I didn't feel like going to school today considering what just happened on White day, which was just yesterday, I wonder what will happen, I mean, I did nothing wrong right? Gathering the people who I wanted to give chocolates to in one place, I mean, what's wrong with that?

Anyway, I hope everything goes back to normal today, well, considering who I gave chocolates to, I'm guessing that's impossible. I sighed at the thought.

"Hm?" I looked at the front door of our class, there was a girl standing there, her face was familiar, and she had long black hair which was tied into a ponytail. I just shrugged it off since I thought she would be here for Kushida or some female being.

"Hm? Amikura-san from Class C, right?" Kushida was the one to approach her.

"Yeah, I'm looking for someone." Amikura said.

"Oh? Who?" Kushida asked.

"Uh, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun, is he here?" She was only met with silence and surprised faces. Until...

"AYANOKOUJI! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU KNEW A CUTE GIRL?!" Ike shouted and I just looked at him confused.

".....What do you mean?" I asked.

"What? There! Look there!" Ike said while pointing in the direction of Amikura. Why did I have to tell him? Besides, it's not like I was close to her.

"Oh, Ayanokouji-kun, hello, uhm, can I talk to you for a bit?" She said when she saw me looking at her.

"Uhm, sure..." I agreed since who knows what would've happened if I declined.

She gave me a smile then went out to the hall, I dropped my bag on my seat then went out of the classroom as well. Once I got out, I saw her standing near the window, I approached her.

"Uh, you wanted to talk about something?" I asked.

"Yes, uhm, it's kind of embarrassing to talk here, so, can we move to another place?" She asked while fiddling her fingers. I just nodded, I would've refused to move if there wasn't anyone who was peeking out of my classroom while trying to eavesdrop on us.

She turned around and started walking and I quietly followed her, we were heading to the rooftop. Is this what I think it is? No, that's impossible.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, we arrived at the rooftop, she turned to me with a flushed face and her head a little low. There's no way..... right?

"S-So, um, first of all, I'm very sorry to call you so sudden, I feel ashamed since we barely know one another." She said.

"It's fine, it's not like I have anything to do anyways." I said.

"W-Well, first, I called out to you since Ichinose-san speaks very highly of you, and....." She said while trailing off at the end.

"And?" I asked.

"She said that you are very helpful and reliable." Amikura said, this feels like that time with Mii-chan.

"So, I wanted to ask you for a favor, I know it's sudden, b-but it's important!" She said.

"You know, you should calm down." I said while putting my hand on her head and patting her. It's not like I'm going to eat her, do I look like someone who would do that?

"R-Right, sorry." She said and she took a deep breath.

"I wanted to ask you for a favor, is that ok?" She asked.

"If it's something I can do, I'll consider it." I said.

"Please pretend to be my boyfriend." She said. I see, so it's just that? Wait, what? Wait, this feels familiar.

"I-I know, it's shameless of me to ask something like that, but I don't have any choice, I accidentally told them that I had a boyfriend and... T-They invited me to a g-group date....." No, please don't cry, ah, damn it, she's tearing up. I was thinking of just giving her advice like what I did with Ichinose last time, but her case is different.

"Uhh, if I agree, what do you plan to do afterward?" I asked.

"I haven't really thought about that but..."

"You know what, I'm sorry for taking your time Ayanokouji-kun, I don't think this'll work. Good day." She said then bowed but I grabbed her wrist before she could walk away.

"Wait, I'll help you." I said.

"R-Really?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"W-Why go such lengths?" She asked.

"I wouldn't want Ichinose to appear as a liar to her classmates, let alone her friends." That was pretty cheesy, but itte seems like it did the trick.

"T-then, do you have a plan?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Can I hear it then?" She asked and I proceed to tell her everything.

"That's a great plan!" She exclaimed.

"You really are as amazing as Ichinose-san said you'd be!" She exclaimed.

"I think you're overestimating me." I said.

"No need to be modest, Kiyotaka-kun!" She said with a wink.

"I'm not trying to be modest, Mako, I'm just staring the truth." I said.

"I think this'll work!" She said.

And so, another troublesome, yet interesting thing came to my life once again, I wonder how my classmates and friends would react to this, hopefully, they won't act too dramatic. Well, I guess I'll just find out later on.

You reached the end!
A/N: Pretty short, I know, may be my shortest one yet, but I still hope you enjoyed it.

Anyway, I have a few announcements:

1st, about my fanfic, 'The Elites', the next chapter might take a while since I'm planning to do each round of the Shokugeki one part each since it'll be too long if I separate them by chapter/part.

2nd, I'm making a new fanfic, it's just something similar to this one, it contains short stories, but with differences, very noticeable differences, I might upload it tomorrow, I might not, it depends.

Lastly, a question, would you want me to make a short story for this pic?

Lastly, a question, would you want me to make a short story for this pic?

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Anyway, that's all.


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