This was in my drafts, and I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.

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*Don't mind the special exam that's involved in this story, that's just for plot and all. :)
"Onii-chan in the streets, Daddy in the sheets." -Suzune to Manabu, probably.


*Ayanokouji's Dorm*

Ayanokouji's POV

I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, am currently in a predicament, if I were, to be honest, saying that I'm very scared right now wouldn't be too farfetched, as a product of the White Room I've been trained and educated to become the perfect human, and along with those lessons, there were also lessons on how I can escape and/or get away from troublesome situations, but for some reason, I can't think of anything that I can do right now to ease the situation or even get myself out of it, since if I try to talk and I trigger a flag or something this wouldn't end well, so if I do decide to talk, it should be something to either help ease the situation or getaway, since I doubt that talking to them about letting one side do what they want while the others just either leave or join the other side, letting them both do what they are of course out of the question as well since I'm pretty sure they're here with opposite goals.

Yes, right now I'm just outside of my room with a lot of different people, at least about 13 girls from different classes, 2 from class 2B, 1 from class 2C, 7 from my class, which is class 2D, and there were 3 first years as well, Amasawa, Tsubaki, and Nanase.

As for the other side that I'm talking about, it's some of the boys from my class and Ryuuen with Albert and Ishizaki, of course, not all of them and you could see there was anger in their eyes, with a hint of.... jealousy....? Honestly, I don't really know right now, I don't even know why they chose my dorm, nor did I know why did different girls come to my room in the first place, I mean sure I guess it was Valentine's but to go to my dorm just to hand me obligatory chocolates is too much, I think.

How did I even get myself in such a situation?

Not so few hours ago...

*Ayanokouji's POV*

It's Tuesday today, a new special exam was announced yesterday, so now I'm trying to fulfill my promise with Horikita, the older one, that I will mark my name and try my best, which, I've been doing since we became second years, right now I'm setting up my foundations for the plan so I'm skipping classes, it has also been easier since Tsukishiro was now out of the school and I managed to convince the WR student to team up with me and I will promise them freedom, that was of course after they requested hand-to-hand combat, which I accepted, to also which I won, as for my grades I have been steadily raising them by 5 points, as for math I kept it within 98-100.

 I've been going around the school to meet with different people, now its 2 p.m. classes would end in about 2 hours, so I decided to go back to my dorm, as I was going to the dorms I checked my phone to see if anyone messaged me and there were a few, apparently, there were messages from different people, Kei, Matsushita, Horikita, Kushida, the Ayanokouji Group, and a PM from both Haruka and Airi, I guess it's not weird that they messaged me since I said I didn't feel good, well for the Ayanokouji Group that is as well as Kushida for some reason, but Kei, Matsushita, and Horikita knew the real reason since I asked for their cooperation which all of three of them complied immediately and since I placed in a high rank despite going solo in the uninhabited island exam a lot of people started talking to me, and now my connection with Kei won't be suspicious anymore, hopefully, after checking my messages I noticed the date and today was Valentine's.

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