Story 2: An unexpected friendship

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Ayanokouji's POV

Today I'm at the entrance of Keyaki mall, one may ask what am I doing here on a nice saturday, well the answer to that is because a few days ago, or exactly a week ago, I met a certain girl, a classmate, to be honest I thought that our first meeting would be our last, well not literally since we were classmates after all, but still to think that it would become like this.

???: Ah, you're already here Kiyo-kun, have I kept you waiting? Wow, you look nice.

Kiyotaka: Goodmorning Nene, no not really I've just arrived a few minutes ago, and thanks, you look great as well.

Nene: Hehe, thank you, shall we start our "date"?

I nod and she cling onto my arm and we walk into the mall, I can also feel a few presences behind us.

Seriously, how did this happen?


I'm currently with the Ayanokouji Group in Keyaki mall, we decided to meet here to talk about a certain topic, and that is, me getting full marks in Math, and apparently they also noticed that my scores in the other subject also went up, honestly I could've just made up an excuse and not go, but that's something someone who is guilty about something would do, and as far as I know I'm not guilty of anything, I think.

Haruka: So, what your saying is that if you actually put enough effort into studying, you can get high scores? More so perfect marks?

Kiyotaka: Well, yes and no, I doubt anyone can get full marks just by that, I mean even Sakayanagi can't do that.

Keisei: That's true but still that would mean you weren't putting much effort in studying when you were studying with us.

Kiyotaka: No, actually those were some of the few times that I put extra effort.

The rest of the group were visibly confused after I said this.

Akito: Can you explain?

Kiyotaka: Well, Horikita said I should try my best to range my scores within 50-60 points for every subject so I needed to study even more so that I can intentionally get some answers wrong so that my score will stay within that range.

Rest of the group: Oh, so thats why.

They seemed to be satisfied with my answer which I was thankful for.

Airi: So that means Kiyotaka-kun was trying his best for the class in his own way right?

Akito: Actually now that you mention it, it does seem like that.

Keisei: Well we're sorry for doubting you Kiyotaka.

Keisei said as if feeling guilty.

Kiyotaka: It's fine, I mean I did hide something from you guys despite being my close friends.

After that we talked about random thing for a while before I felt the need to go to the toilet.

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