You should read this, there's a code. :)

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Do you remember the scene when Ichinose asked Ayanokouji to pretend to be her boyfriend? Yeah? Well, this story takes place in that time and just a short "What if Ayanokouji agreed to pretend to be Ichinose's boyfriend? 

Ayanokouji POV

"Sorry to call you out like this." The person who had invited me to come here at the back of one of the school buildings said.

"What's going on, Ichinose?" Yes, the one who had invited me here was Ichinose Honami from Class 1-B.

"I'm just going to say it and get it over with." She said as she started to blush and looks away from me. Is this going to be what I think it is? Nah, I don't think so. I think anyway.

"I think I ... am going to get asked out! Right here!" Ichinose exclaimed loudly which caught me slightly off guard.

"Huh? Wait, um ... Won't it be better if I'm not here, then?" I said a little confused.

"But I don't know anything about dating. I found this in my locker yesterday." She said as she shows an envelope with a love letter inside sealed with a heart sticker.

" I don't feel the same way. And I don't know how to turn the person down without hurting them. So I was wondering if you might pretend to be my boyfriend, .. and ..." She explained, so that old cliche, huh? Although I personally wouldn't mind, I wonder how everything would progress once the one who decided to confess to Ichinose gets turned down because of me, an outsider, pretending to be the boyfriend of someone that I had only met yesterday, although we only formally spoke today.

"Please!" She said frantically.

"You'd be better off talking it out with them, one on one." I said since I'm an outsider, then again, if she asks one more time, I guess I'll accept.

"But..." She tried to reason.

"Eh? Ichinose-san ... who is this?" A voice from behind me spoke, Ichinose seemed to have noticed the person as well, we both looked toward the source of the voice, standing there was a girl a little bit below the average height with short silver-blonde hair, a girl?

"U-Um, sorry, Chihiro-chan ... I brought someone you don't know. This is Ayanokōji-kun from Class D." Ichinose explained to the girl, whose name was apparently, Chihiro.

"Is he ... your boyfriend?" Chihiro asked as tears started forming in her eyes.

"Ayanokōji-kun is ... He's my --" I cut Ichinose off before she could speak.

"Yes, I'm Honami's, boyfriend, she explained her situation to me, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you." I said.

"O-Oh, i-is that so? T-Then, I'm so sorry!" She said as she bowed and she started to leave.

"Wait, uh, Chihiro, right? Honami had explained her situation to me, and I found out that you were going to confess, right?" I asked and she gave a small nod.

"Then, you have no need to be sorry, in fact, I actually feel kind of happy, cause I know that my girlfriend, Honami is liked, no, loved, even by girls, I can feel that your love for her is genuine but, since I'm from a different class, even if I'm Honami's boyfriend, I have no say in this, and I also don't have the right to control Honami's feelings, so I'm going to leave you guys to sort it out." I said as I left and glanced at Ichinose as I passed Chihiro, she had a thankful expression, but the surprise was still evident on her face.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now