Women's Meeting

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*This idea was given by Virgin Senpai, or as most know him as @Warped- A great writer, like seriously, he's better than me so you should check him out if you haven't. Thank you :D

In a dark room- Wait, let's not make it sinister or something, so... In one of the school's meeting room or conference room, don't know if they have those, but this is a fanfic, so roll with it. There are multiple girls in that room, they're of different ages, years, and classes.

"Uhh, excuse me, Chie-sensei, why are we here?"

"Shhh. We'll tell you about that later once our special guest arrives." Chie-sensei said.

"Special guest?"

"Yep. She should be here any moment now." Chie-sensei said.


Multiple knocks on the big-brown door were heard. Sae-sensei, who was near the door, opened the door. On the other side, there was a woman, somewhere in her late 30s or maybe early 40s. So, basically, around the age of an average MILF. The woman had brown hair, golden eyes, and a busty figure that was made more evident because of what she was wearing, which was almost te same thing as . Yes, it was the female version of Professor Ayanokouji. No, actually, it's-

"Ah, welcome, Ayanokouji-san." Sae-sensei greeted.

'AYANOKOUJI-SAN?!' Somehow, the girls in the room managed to keep that thought to themselves. Probably because of the power of love, that shouldn't exist in COTE.

"Yahoo! Kiyomama-chan!" Chie-sensei greeted from the other side of the room.

"Konnichiwa, Chie-chan!" Kiyomama greeted back.

"You know her?" Sae-sensei asked Chie-sensei.

"Yup! We met in a Court hearing a few months back." Chie-sensei said.

"Court hearing?"


"What were you even doing in a Court hearing?" Sae-sensei asked Chie-sensei.

"A-Ah, about that..... W-Well, we shouldn't talk a-about that here-"

"Reckless Driving." Kiyomama said.

"Ahh! Why did you tell them?! I thought we were best friends? Why did you betray me?" Chie-sensei whined.

"Ah... Would a TeeHee, suffice as an apology?" Kiyomama asked Chie-sensei.

"Oh... Well, that's nothing new I guess. That's actually the lightest offense she has probably done in her whole lifetime." Sae-sensei said.

"Wait, if I may ask. What were you doing in that Court Hearing?" Sae-sensei asked Kiyomama.

"Ah, I was her lawyer." Kiyomama said.

"Oh, you must be a pretty good lawyer then, considering you got her out of trouble." Sae-sensei said.

"Ah... Yeah..... Hehe." Kiyomama said.

"Anyway, we're burning daylight. Shall we start?" Sae-sensei said.

"Yep!" Chie-sensei said and Kiyomama just nodded with a smile.

"Um, before we start, can I ask a question?"

"Hm? What is it, Karuizawa?" Sae-sensei asked.

"Ah, well it's a question for Ayanokouj-"

"Ah, you're Karuizawa- Kei-chan? Kiyo's girlfriend?" Kiyomama asked as she closed the distance between her and Kei.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now