Here's Part 3 I guess.

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*This is the part where I start asking myself, what the hell am I even doing.

We had just arrived at the adventurer's guild, and almost everyone was looking in our direction. Well, mostly at Sensei since her outfit is... I guess the best way to describe it would be: it's something that allows her to move freely since there isn't much cloth... Yup, let's go with that. Adding to that fact is that her body is quite mature..... Ok, maybe a bit too mature.

Anyway, we'll put that aside for now, what I was going to say was that we were in the Adventurer's guild to sign up and be Adventurers, well, that was the plan until a couple of pretty attractive men stopped in front of us. Why even in this world there are pretty boys, shouldn't their faces be scarred, and rough-looking and all that? Well, anyway, they started hitting on our two female acquaintances. I would try to stop them, but I was too focused on the exchange that was happening by the counter, besides, it's Horikita, other than her brother, Nagumo, Ryuuen, or me, not a lot of men can defeat her... I think. Well, Sensei is with her anyway so I shouldn't worry too much.

Anyway, the conversation at the counter seem quite heated, both the Guild clerk and the guy, who I think is an adventurer, are shouting.

"Again, I'm sorry sir, but that's simply not possible." The Lady said.

"Why isn't it possible?!" The man said in a pretty angry tone.

"Because it's just not." The Lady replied.

"Why not, you stupid bastard." The man asked while clenching his fist, and slamming it onto the desk.

"Because that would be against the rules. Just because you are a son of a Duke, does not mean you can easily be approved of being an adventurer." The Lady said. Oh, so he wasn't an adventurer yet. 

"Hmph! I'm going to report this to my father! Just you wait!" The lad announced loudly before walking away, and the men who were hitting on Horikita and Sensei earlier went with him... Better stay away from people like them, it'd be big trouble if we were to mess with them.

"...Why didn't you help us shake those guys off? It would've been easier with you wearing that intimidating mask, you know?" Horikita asked as she approached me along with Sensei. That reminds me, where did Akito go?

"Well, the situation could've been avoided if you heeded my advice and wore a mask like me, no?" I said.

".....Probably." That was all that Horikita could say.

"Anyway, that aside, where's Akito?" I asked both Sensei and Horikita, then they pointed to a side of the Guild where I saw Akito and... Two tall women with very... impressive figures and proportions, both were also wearing something like a witch's outfit. They were all up on him, and Akito was blushing mad, and couldn't seem to push them away.

I'm happy for him, but this isn't really the time for this... 

"Akito..." I called out as I approached him and the ladies.

"Ara?" The one with the red witch outfit said. I'll call her Akai-san.

"Oh, hello there. You joining us?" The one with the purple outfit said. Papuru-san is what I'll address her.

"Uh no, I just wanted my friend back. We need to sign up to be adventurers." I replied.

"So, if you don't mind, can I have him back?" I asked.

"Sure~, Here you go. Go on Aki-kun, we'll just see you later at the designated time and location, ok? Oh, you can bring your friend here too, it'll be much more fun then~." Akai-san said before releasing Akito from her hug.

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