A bit More of Mako-chan :D

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*You may be getting tired of her now, but you can just skip if you don't like her. :)
-I won't stop making chapters for her unless I run out of ideas or someone else makes a fic for her.
>Those eyes tho...


3rd Person POV

It was midnight, Amikura and Ayanokouji were both peacefully sleeping until Amikura let out cute groans and other sounds, before fluttering her eyes open. Once her eyes were completely opened, she looked around, before finally landing her eyes on Ayanokouji's face.

'W-What is this?! W-What happened?! Did something happen?!' Amikura panicked in her mind.

'No, don't panic, calm down Mako, I-I'm sure there's an explanation for this.' She thought as she calmed herself down.

'Ok, so, Ayanokouji-kun is still asleep... that's good, stay asleep... Ok, so it's 3 in the morning, I slept just about an hour ago.' Amikura thought after glancing at the wall clock.

'Now, was this... Him, or me?' Amikura asked herself while staring at Ayanokouji.

'Ok, well, if I look at the situation properly, I'm on top and he's below me..... His arms are around me... Was it just reflex? Or habit? Or was it intentional? No, this is on me, definitely on me.' Amikura thought before subconsciously burying her head into Ayanokouji's chest.

'A-Ah, oh no, I didn't mean to do that!'  Amikura thought when she heard Ayanokouji let out a groan. She took a look at Ayanokouji's face, he was still sleeping, once she saw that she let out a sigh of relief, then slowly buried her head since she had no choice but to use Ayanokouji as a pillow.

'Wow, he smells nice- nope, stop it. Come on Mako, when did you become such a pervert!' She thought.

'Uh, ok... Hmm, I guess I'll try to slip out... slowly... and carefully.' Amikura thought as she tried to do just that, but stopped when she heard Ayanokouji grumble.

'No no, don't do that! Don't wake up, please! And don't just let out cute sounds like that!' Amikura internally shouted at Ayanokouji.

After that, Amikura sighed then repositioned her hands, and once again, she attempted to slowly slip out from Ayanokouji's hug, but this time, Ayanokouji tightened his hug once he felt Amikura move.

'W-What, aww come on! Why!? I was so close! Well, maybe not, but I was already making progress!' Amikura thought.

She cutely glared at Ayanokoji for a moment, but then exhaled before burying her face on Ayanokouji's chest once again and started to think about what to do and what plan can she execute to get out of Ayankouji's warm hug.

'We're not even a couple, yet we're doing this... I'm sorry Honami-chan, I really am... Well, maybe not all that sorry, but still, I'm sorry.' Amikura thought.

Now, for the third time, Amikura tried to get out of Ayanokouji's hug, but this time, after she moved, Ayanokouji did not only let out a sound that made Amikura panic, he also shifted a bit, which made Amikura panic even more, after that, Amikura became completely frozen, still being hugged by Ayanokouji.

After a short while, Amikura calmed down and decided to take a look at Ayanokouji, to see whether he was still sleeping or not, she slowly looked in the direction of Ayanokoji's face.

'Please be asleep. Please be asleep.' Amikura thought before her eyes landed on Ayanokoji's face.

. . .

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