2nd Part of The Not so much of a Valentine's Special.

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Ayanokouji POV

".....Please forget what I said." Horikita said.

"No, it's kind of impossible to do that." I said.

"Forget. What. I. Said. Please." She said with a not so scary glare. she was a blushing mess, it was already cute, but her weak glare made it look cuter, I wonder if Manabu-nii will give me his blessing if I ask.....

"Well, since you said please, I guess I could forget it." I said.

"Thank you." She said while still blushing, now I know why Sudo is so in love with her.

"Actually, no, forget what I said, it's impossible to forget." I said

"W-What?! Why?" She asked and I whispered something to her, after whispering it, she tensed up.

"Please forget what I said, I-I'll do a-anything." Bingo. I leaned in a little and whispered something to her again.

"O-Ok, i-it's that all?" She asked and I gave a nod.

The other students in the classroom must be confused, and Sudo is probably broken hearted, though, maybe him being broken hearted might be good, he might grow more because of it, if he doesn't, I can just throw him to Class E.

"Have a good day then, Horikita." I said before I walked away.

I went out of the room thinking that Ichinose might still be outside the room, unfortunately, she wasn't. She must've been hurt by what Horikita did, I won't be surprised if she took it personally.

I guess I should apologize, even if Horikita was the one who did it, I still had a fault in not stopping her from closing the door.

Though, simply apologizing won't be enough, I should at least give her something, like, flowers maybe? I know it's Valentine's day today, and girls are the ones who should be giving us something, but that's only in Japan, I'm pretty sure Valentine's day in other countries doesn't specify on which gender needs to give.

Since Kei said that giving things like necklaces and jewelry are too much, I'm just going to settle for flowers, that's not too much is it? I mean, it's much cheaper than jewelry and chocolate, so it's impossible for a girl to misunderstand, yeah, I'll just go with flowers.

Satisfied with the conclusion I reached, I decided to go to the cafeteria to eat lunch, at least, that was the plan until I received a message telling me to go to the back of the school building, actually, I received two of them, from different numbers, but with the exact same time and location, a coincidence? If it is, it would be a freakier coincidence than my 50 point tests in the entrance exam.

I didn't reply, but I decided to go, who knows, this might be a chance to get a girlfriend, wait, I already have a girlfriend, oh damn, Kei might kill me if she knows about this.

But still, I'll still go, I won't lose anything anyway, unless it's something lewd, maybe I might lose my V-card. That's a joke..... Definitely.

The time they set is 10 minutes from now, I guess it's better to be early than keep them waiting.

I started walking in towards the back of the school building, from where I currently am, it would only take about 5 minutes or less.

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