This Doesn't Deserve a Title.

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Ayanokouji POV

".....Hey, Kiyotaka, are you sure you don't work out?" I looked to my right, and it was Keisei who asked me.

"Huh? No, I don't, I only jog from time-to-time. Why do you ask?" I replied.

"Well, your body is more developed than Akito, so I thought you at least did workouts or something." Keisei said.

"What about diet? Do you have one?" Akito was the one who asked me this time.

"No, I'm pretty sure you guys see what I eat every time we go out, don't you?" I said.

"Yeah, that's true. I wish I can have a body like that without having to work out and stuff." Keisei said.

"I think that most would have the same wish." Akito said.

"Hmm, then, how did you actually get that body, Kiyotaka?" Keisei asked.

"Good genes, I guess." I replied.

"...Even if I'm not as smart as Keisei, I'm pretty sure that's not how genetics work, I mean, to some extent, maybe, but that much, I kind of doubt it." Akito said. Why are you smart outside of classes?

".....Anyway, let's go get changed already." I said.

"Hey, you just tried to divert our attention away from the topic." Akito said. 

".....If you're not going to change, I'm going on ahead." I said as I picked up my pace.

"Why do you even want to avoid the topic that much?" Keisei asked.

"Do you want multiple guys staring at your body?" I asked back.

".....Yeah, I can see why you want to leave the topic at hand." Keisei said.

"I'll drop it, for now, but remember this Kiyotaka, I'll know your secrets soon!" Akito exclaimed.

"Akito, your inner Chuuni is showing." Keisei said.

"Please forget what happened." Akito said.

"Anyway, nice save from earlier, Kiyotaka." Akito said.

"Oh, yeah, what you did earlier was pretty cool." Keisei followed up.

"Really? I don't think it was that cool though." I said.

"Normally, yes, but with the speed of the ball earlier, and the way you reached it made it looked cool." Akito said. 

What he was referring to was earlier when we had basketball for Physical Ed. then the ball that a certain red-haired guy tried to pass very fast, that his teammate couldn't even react, so, the ball went towards our direction at a fast pace, by our, I meant me and Horikita's direction, but mostly Horikita's direction, luckily, I was able to stop the ball before it made contact with Horikita's face, she was reading a book so she wasn't aware of what was happening until it happened, she also got angry at Sudo, who is now probably crying in some corner somewhere in the school. Though, I'm pretty sure he's sad because Horikita stripped him of the right to call her by her first name and not by the fact that she got mad.

"If you say so." I said.

"Anyway, did it hurt? The contact with the ball, I mean." Keisei asked.

"Yeah, I mean when the ball met your hand it made a loud sound." Akito added.

"Yeah, it kinda hurt, but not as much as one would expect." I said.

"I see, ah, right, by any chance, are you ambidextrous?" Akito asked.

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