(Not so much of a) Valentines Special.....

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*No, it's not lewd, it's more of a funny chapter since I'm guessing a lot of fanfic writers would be going for lewd stuff, I'm going for comedic stuff, (Not that I'm good in writing comedic shit.) ENJOY!


"So..... Any plans on how we can escape?" Akito said.

"If I had one, I would've let you known earlier." Keisei said.

"Same here, my mind's empty." I replied.

"Sorry, I have no plans as well." Yousuke said.

"Why do you three even have a lot of girls chasing you?" Keisei asked.

"Don't include me, I just ran after Akito and Yousuke when they ran past me." I replied.

"And who's idea was it to come to my room?" Keisei asked while arching an eyebrow.

"No one really thought of going to your room, it just so happened that we saw you entering your room and we decided to enter." Akito answered.

"So... It's a coincidence or something?" Keisei said.

"Pretty much." I replied.

"But why were you running with Hirata, Akito?" Keisei asked.

"Ah, well, you see, our club and the soccer club did an activity involving both clubs, we, the members of the archery club, will shoot non-pointed arrows, and the members of the soccer club will try to chase after them and catch them." Akito explained.

"Then, after our club activities, Hirata invited me to walk with him and I agreed, then, after we got out of the school building, a lot of people started crowding us, then we ran, and we ran into Kiyotaka, who was walking with another girl, but I wasn't able to recognize the girl." Akito said.

"By people crowding you, you mean, girls, right?" Keisei said.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Akito said.

"Nothing, I thought that you used the term, "people." to imply that other men were crowding you as well." Keisei replied.

"Sometimes, you're too smart for your own good." Akito said.

"For some reason, although that seems like an insult, I agree." Keisei said.

"Anyway, you said Kiyotaka was with another girl?" Keisei asked.

"Yeah, but I wasn't able to recognize her." Akito said.

"What about you Hirata, did you see the girl that was with Kiyotaka?" Keisei asked, since when did he become curious about girls?

"No, unfortunately not." For some reason, there was a hint of bitterness in the way Yousuke spoke or was I just imagining it?

"You guys don't have to know, it's not like she was my valentine or something." I said.

"Then, why don't you tell us her name?" Keisei asked with a grin, did he perhaps got influenced by Haruka?

"It's not like I'm not planning to tell you her name, you just didn't ask." I answered and Akito laughed.

"Ahhhh, the only time Keisei tries to corner Kiyotaka, and he fails." Akito said after laughing, and he laughed again upon seeing Keisei's expression. I feel bad for him, for Akito I mean, he's already gasping for air because of laughing so hard.

"Then, who is it?" Keisei asked.

"Masushita." I replied.

"Huh? You were close with her?" This time, it wasn't Keisei who reacted first, but Yousuke.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now