Here we go again Chunchunmaru...

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*Damn it..... I'm spoiling my readers too much...... I'm going to put my fics on hiatus after this! :D
-Anyway, Chunchunmaru, I choose you!
+Cringy and lacks Imagination :)
xRead w/ caution


3rd Person POV

"This next one, and probably the last one, is one of the most requested ones and probably one of the author's cursed ones, it's also one of the parts where I, or rather the author, cringe very hard." Chunchunmaru said.

"It must be an abomination if the author himself cringes at their own work." Ike said.

"Hmm, but it might also not be, since Chunchunmaru-kun said that it's one of his most requested." Matsushita said.

"Well, people do tend to have different opinions." Hirata said and everyone agreed.

"Uh, can I ask what's the title?" Amikura asked.

"You can, but you may not." Chunchunmaru said and that earned a few laughs and it made Amikura pout. 

"Anyway, the title is 50%-kun's Horrific Valentine's." Chunchunmaru said.

"Who the hell is 50%-kun?" A third-year asked.

"The one who can steal your girlfriend even if he doesn't do anything." Ryuuen answered on behalf of Chunchunmaru.

"Ryuuen, that's rude you know? That Senpai doesn't have a girlfriend." Nishino said and that made the poor Senpai depressed.

'Being treated like that by a Kouhai must be rough. Well, it got nothin' to do with me, all I am here for is to, uh, what am I here for? it's not necessary to make them watch or read, or whatever it is, the author's stories..... You know what, fuck it.' Chunchunmaru thought.

"Hey hey, enough of that, for now, we have something to do ok? Ok." Chunchunmaru said.

"Wait, can you at least give us some sort of synopsis or something? Y'know, to prepare ourselves." Satou said.

"No, it's much better to do it straight away, with no warnings, just suddenly go in. Wait, don't take that out of context." Chunchunmaru said.

"Tsk." Multiple people clicked their tongues.

"Let's start, shall-" Kushida raised her hand before Chunchunmaru could finish his sentence. "What is it? Kushida." 

"I just wanted to say that, since this is possibly the last one you're going to show us, wouldn't it be better if Ayanokouji-kun joins us?" A lot of people agreed with what Kushida said.

"No. Also, that's the exact reason why Ayanokouji should stay there, let him enjoy his time, right, Sakayanagi?" Chunchunmaru said.

"Huh? WHy are you asking me?" The Chairman asked.

"No not you, the other Sakayanagi, your daughter." Chunchunmaru said.

"Fufufu, although I want to see Ayanokouji-kun and what his reaction would be, I'd rather have him have his fun, after all, he did let me have fun with him." Sakayanagi said.

"You're saying it like he had some fucked up childhood or something." Kamuro said.

"Well, it is, but for him, it isn't, so it just depends on people's personal views on it." Sakayanagi replied to Kamuro.

"What does that mean?" Kamuro asked.

"I'll do the honors! Ehem. "Fufufu, I wonder." Is what Sakayanagi was going to say." Chunchunmaru said while trying to do it in the voice of Sakayanagi and Sakayanagi glared at him, and that made Chunchunmaru scared, seeing this, the Chairman looked at his daughter.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now