Story 6: KuroTaka

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Ayanokouji POV

This may be sudden, but, have you heard of the quote, "Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself."? It's one of Leo Tolstoy's quotes, a Russian writer, this quote is actually used a lot in different kind of speeches despite it being a very old quote, but anyway, change, something that seems easy to achieve, yet, not everyone can do it, after all, it takes a lot of courage to change, especially if you decide to do it suddenly, I know this for a fact, because, as of this moment... I'm currently changing my hair color, why? Because I was curious about what it feels like dying my hair, of course before doing this I made sure that there weren't any rules that don't allow dyeing my hair, luckily, there wasn't one, so I proceeded to do it.

Of course, dyeing my hair on my own would be difficult, especially since I don't have any prior experience in doing it, so, I went to one of the salon/barbershops, that dyes hair, initially, I was planning to ask one of the few people I know, but, decided against it due to certain reasons, like if I were to ask Horikita to do it, she'd probably say that I owed her, which, in itself isn't really bad, that is, if we were talking about her being a nice human being, but, unfortunately, she wasn't, well sometimes, but, you get my point, I could also ask Kushida, but, considering what she tried to do in the last special exam, it would be pretty awkward to ask her to come to my room or to ask for her assistance in any way, for me anyway, I could also ask Kei, but, I kind of wanted to surprise her, so it was out of the question.

I chose to color it black since it's not really a color that stands out that much, so there would be quite a natural feel to it since the color isn't a rare hair color, the price for the hair dyeing service wasn't cheap, but it also wasn't expensive, so I wasn't really bothered, I wonder how my classmates would react? Especially after I got a perfect score in the Math test and I was able to come within the top 20 despite going solo, normally, that would just go unnoticed, but Matsushita asked me about it in front of a few of our classmates, which they heard and it spread around quickly, well, no use thinking about it for now. 

After a few hours, I was finally done, I looked at the mirror to see what it looked like, I was a little surprised since it looked pretty natural, although, I'm not really sure how other people would react, especially the ones I know, all I know is that they'd probably be surprised, I mean who wouldn't? Suddenly changing the color of your hair doesn't happen that often after all.

I walked outside and saw that it was already getting dark, that took longer than I initially thought, I guess I should go back now, I walked towards the dorms, as I walk, I can't help but think, if this actually suits me, well, it's not like I care much about what other people actually think of me, but, it could become troublesome if it didn't suit me.

I reached my dorm and went in, I was about to take a shower when I remembered that I shouldn't shampoo my hair yet, for at least 72 hours, I guess I could at least wash my body, I proceeded to clean my face and body, after that, I decided to make dinner, after cooking and eating, I washed the dishes and prepared for the night.

While I was laying on my bed, I noticed that I had received a few messages from a few people, the Ayanokouji group were inviting me tomorrow to go to Keyaki mall, there was also one message from Kei asking if she could come to my dorm, but it was sent a few hours ago and it's already curfew, so I decided to just apologize and said that my phone was dead, there was also Amasawa asking me to cook for her, she also asked if she could bring Nanase with her, that was quite surprising, but it was also sent a few hours ago, so I did the same thing as I did to Kei, and the last one was from Horikita, she was asking me if we could meet tomorrow, I'm guessing this is about Nagumo and something related to the student council, it was sent by the time I arrived at my dorm, I replied to her that if it wasn't urgent, she could just tell me on Monday, after that, I decided to reply to the Ayanokouji group, I said that I was planning to rest for the whole weekend, which, thankfully they respected, after that, I decided to call it a night.

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