The Girls' Horrific White Day

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*Basically, Kiyo's revenge for what they did to him in the Horrific Valentine's Part.
#112233. Entering random numbers can actually give you some good stuff. This one is not an example of that though.

Ah, I just remembered, it's White Day tomorrow. I should get- Wait, actually... Hmm, should I get gifts for the ones who gave me something last Valentine's day? The answer to that is yes. But why? I mean, they completely raped me that night. I mean, I'm neutral towards it since I probably won't experience something like that after I graduate and go back to that place, but still, it was against my will. Yeah sure, I made them tear up a lot, also made them unable to walk properly for a week, and might've made their butt cheeks as red as, hmm, maybe as red as Sudo's hair, but I'm still not satisfied. I want to pay them back. Of course, not in a good way, and not in a way that'll leave physical evidence since I don't want to get expelled.

So one way to get back at them is by giving them emotional and psychological pain and suffering, maybe not to the extent that I had experienced, but just enough so that they'll know, in Ryuuen's words, they'll know who's their daddy. Wait, no, that's out of character. Anyway, the punishment will just be to the point that they'll know that they shouldn't do things that I don't like. Of course, I would be fair, like, if we're talking about Horikita, it would be a lot more intense and painful. If it's Hiyori, it would be enough to make her read the book that I found which has the title Metamorphosis.

But why give them gifts? To get their hopes up and to start a misunderstanding, a huge one. Yes, I'm aware that they would most likely just treat it as me repaying them or giving back their "Kindness". So, to avoid that, I won't just be simply handing it to them, no, I'm going to set up the room and set the "vibe", it would definitely give them the wrong idea. Of course, at the end of everything, like let's say a week, I'll apologize... Maybe. Depending on how they will treat me within that week.

Ok, that seems like a plan. I'll execute it tomorrow.


Today is a Saturday, and it's also White day. The day Ayanokouji Kiyotaka executes his plan. Oh, speaking of which, that's him. And... He's currently holding a big bag, which most likely contains a lot of different gifts and boxes of chocolates, which he is most likely planning to give to the girls who raped him on Valentine's day. 

Ayanokouji is currently on his way back to his dorm from the mall. He had already contacted all of the girls who raped him on Valentine's and everything is going as planned so far since every one of them was available and agreed to come to his room. Of course, most of the girls don't expect other girls to be in the room, oh how unfortunate for them.

After walking for a few minutes, Ayanokouji finally got back to his dorm and there's still two hours before the "meeting", so Ayanokouji can still prepare and set up the room. 

Ayanokouji placed the bag on the bed, opened it, and then started labeling each box of chocolate and every gift he was planning to give. Each box of chocolate had a different flavor that suited a specific maiden's tastes. The same goes for the gifts, each gift was different from the other and was chosen after some careful thinking.

Sweet? The chocolates, yes.

Romantic? Only at the start.

(Hotel? Trivago.)

After Ayanokouji had labeled and prepared the boxes of gifts and chocolates, he started cleaning the room and setting it up as if he was preparing the stage for a play, a grand one at that. 

'Hmm, is this too much? Red curtains, roses, boxes of chocolates, and a mountain of gifts... Nah, this is just right... No, let's actually add the scented candles that Katsuragi recommended. Since that would show that I did put in quite an effort. Or so the internet said.' Ayanokouji thought.

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