I'm running out of ideas, so I just did this. (2)

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3rd Person POV

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" Ayanokouji asked and the Chairman responded with a nod and a smile.

'Now, I should think about the pros and cons of each one, let's start with Sakagami-sensei, I could tell that he is someone who is very supportive, my basis for that is the incident with his class in our first year, the one involving Sudo, but that's all, and he's old, so he might die anytime soon, so he's not an option to be considered anymore.' Ayanokouji thought.

'Next is Chabashira-sensei, since I've been her student for more than a year now, I got to know her better, she's pretty soft, I'm not talking about her body, what I meant was she is soft emotionally and maybe mentally, but that's because of her past that is tying her down, if she lets go, I bet she'd be a good parent, but there is still one problem, she might try and force me to do a lot of things, which I would very much dislike, so, I'll move her to the side for now. Next will be Hoshinomiya-sensei.'

'Like Chabashira-sensei, she's also quite obsessed with getting into Class A, but unlike CHabashira-sensei, she's much more caring, but there are a lot of problems with her, like, her mysteriousness and mischievousness, then, she also has a drinking problem, so she'd be a bad parent unless she fixes that, then, I'm also very concerned about what she might do to me when I sleep or when she's drunk, but I'll move her to the far side for now.' Ayanokouji thought while still weighing the pros and cons.

'Then, there's also the Chairman, he knows about my past, he knows about me and my abilities, a lot about me to be honest, he's rich, he's not that old, he's responsible, after all, he's the Chairman, he's not that old, so he'll at least outlive Sakagami-sensei, a lot of pros to be honest, but there's one problem..... Which is her daughter, Sakayanagi Arisu, she's not the problem, rather, her attitude is, like Hoshinomiya-sensei, she's giving me some sense of, "be cautious when you sleep vibe", but still, like Chabashira-sensei, I'll just move it to the side for now.'

'Finally, Mashima-sensei, he's responsible, and I could tell he's caring and pretty strict, but I don't mind his strictness, I mean, I've been with much more strict people, and despite that strictness, he's pretty nice, but..... He tells dad jokes, which are worst than the jokes I try to crack, so, for now, I'll move him to the near side.' Ayanokouji thought then continued comparing the choices.

".....Hey, Ryuuen, where's Katsuragi?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Huh? Oh, he's buying shampoo, he ran out of it apparently, why do you ask?" Ryuuen answered.

"Nothing, I was just thinking he could try and help me decide, he is a pretty smart guy after all." Ayanokouji said.

"Ayanokouji, if you're having trouble, I can help you." The one who said that was Manabu.

"Really? I'll take you up on the offer then." Ayanokouji said.

"I'm not going to help you decide, rather, I'm going to give you another option." Manabu said.

"Which is...?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Marry Suzune, and we'll accept you in the family, I've told about you to our parents, you seem to have their favor, and of course, I don't need to mention this, but you also have my favor." With that offer, Ayanokouji went back to his thoughts.

"You also don't need to worry about anything, I'll be paying for your marriage and honeymoon." Manabu added.

"Nii-san!" Someone from the distance who somehow heard Manabu shouted.

"Kukuku, look at that, a guaranteed future. That dog in your class would be angry if he heard this." Ryuuen said.

"Hey, where are the other boys?" Kanzaki asked out of nowhere.

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