Chunchunmaru: Author-san, this isn't supposed to be a reaction fic book, y'know?

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*Yes, I'm aware, and I don't even know why I'm doing it. Anyway, we're here anyway, so let's just do it.
-Why the fuck am I even conversing with an OC?
+Y'know what, fuck it, and let's proceed. :>


Chunchunmaru had just come out of the room where Ayanokouji was, and he must say, he can't wait for the results of what they were doing in there.

"So, what were they doing in there, Chunchunmaru-kun? You seem happy." Ichinose asked.

"It's something that will solve one of the world's biggest problem." Chunchunmaru replied as he walked towards the front.

"And that is?" Ryuuen asked.

"Let me guess, they're trying to make waifus real!" A random otaku shouted.

"I wish, unfortunately, it's not that." Chunchunmaru said and that made a lot of otakus who are in the room sad.

"If it's not that, then I'm guessing it's 'that'?" Ike asked.

"And what is 'that'?" Chunchunmaru asked.

"They're trying to make catgirls real!" Ike replied with excitement.

"Uh, no, Elon Musk had already started with that last 2018 in our world, soo, no, wrong." Chunchunmarus aid.

"Wait, someone is really trying to make catgirls in your world?" A guy asked.

"Yes, at least, that's what the media, which you aren't supposed to trust 100%, said last 3 years ago." Chunchunmaru said.

"Then what is it? whatever it is, it seems to make you happier than seeing Miyabi get spanked." Asahina said.

"That's because it does. I mean, they're trying to figure out how they can make a bigger bottle of Yakult without sacrificing the hygiene stuff." Chunchunmaru said.

".....That's it?" 

"The fuck do you mean by "That's it?"?" Chunchumaru asked.

"I mean, I thought it was something better like maybe Aliens were discovered or something." 

"Huh? Why in the world would you want Aliens?" Chunchunmaru asked.

"Wait, on second thought, don't answer that. You know what, let's just move on and get on the next video." Chunchunmaru said.

"What's the title?" Ishizaki asked.

"Roses are Red, Violets are blue, I'm a Degenerate, Just like you. Is the title." Chunchunmaru said.

"You make the weirdest titles." Miyamoto said.

"True, but they aren't weird as you." Chunchunmaru said.

"Oof, that's gotta hurt." Akito said.

"What is it about? It seems like something a degenerate would read or watch, or whichever, based on the title that is." Keisei said.

"That's because it is. I mean, surely only a person who isn't thinking straight would read something that shows a 17-year-old boy getting raped by like, 16 girls? Yeah, 16 girls, who get pregnant eventually." Chunchunmaru said.

". . . . ." 

"Sorry, we cannot allow you to show that, that would be a bit too inappropriate." Mashima said.

"Hmm, I see, I understand where you're coming from..... Then what about I only show some parts?" Chunchunmaru asked.

"Well, that would depend on what parts you're going to or planning to show." Mashima replied.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now