Apparently, this is what I write when I eat too many Chocolates.

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*Cringe alert

Ayanokouji POV

I just entered the classroom, and my classmates seem a bit livelier than usual. I wonder what it's about, it can't be a special exam, since if it were that, then they wouldn't be excited, rather, they'd look serious and nervous.

I just shrugged it off and sat down, as I sat down, I noticed Akito and the rest of the Ayanokouji group making their way towards me.

"Hey hey! Kiyopon, have you heard the news?" Haruka initiated.

"No, is that why you guys seem excited?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I can't believe that you haven't heard the news. Well, actually, I can, since both Yukimuu and Miyatchii didn't as well." Haruka said.

"Hey, it's not like we're like you who's in a lot of group chats." Keisei said.

"Yeah, and we barely use any social media platforms." Akito added.

"Excuses excuses. Anyway, so, from what the others said, apparently, we're going to have new students." Haruka said.

"New students? I didn't think they allowed late enrollees here." I said.

"We don't know if it's true though." Keisei said. Well, if it was true, changes will surely happen.

"Anyway, if it were true, what are your opinions regarding the news?" Haruka asked.

"Suspicious and weird." Surprisingly me, Akito and Keisei said the exact same thing at the same time.

"Oh? Since when did you three synced with one another?" Haruka asked and I shrugged, and once again, surprisingly, Akito and Keisei did as well.

"There it is again!" Haruka exclaimed.

"You don't need to shout." At the same time, the three of us spoke the exact same words once again. I'm not even surprised anymore.

"It's actually pretty amusing, I should've recorded it." Haruka said. This time, instead of speaking, me, Akito and Keise just looked at one another and shook our heads.

"Hey, are you three brothers or something? Maybe triplets?" No, I don't think that's possible. But if that were the case, then that would've been a pretty freaky coincidence.


The bell rang and everyone went back to their seats, then, Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom with her usual look. It's kind of hard to read her, she's not giving anything away, or at least she's trying. 

"Goodmorning. I'm pretty sure all of you have heard the news, right?" Chabashira-sensei asked and everyone nodded, then, a smirk formed on her face.

"Ok, that makes things quicker then. Alright, you 4 can come in now." 4? Wow, 4 new classmates, I didn't expect that, and I'm sure that most of my classmates didn't as well.

4 people walked in wearing our school uniform, 2 girls, 2 boys, and..... 2 are children.....? They're a bit smaller than Sakayanagi.

But that's not what really shocked me, what shocked me was their faces, their looks, and it looks like my classmates noticed the same thing.

"Please introduce yourselves." Chabashira-sensei said. She's not surprised by how they look? Well, if she had met them earlier, then it would make sense.

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyone."

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyoshota." [A/N: The child version of Kiyo.]

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