The Good, The Bad, The Bro-con, The Smug. (ft. Scooby-snacks.)

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3rd Person POV

In a certain room within the school building, there are 4 students are gathered in the conference room, with them are their respective homeroom teachers, and observing these 8 people, is the chairman of the Advanced Nurturing High School, Papanagi-chan--, I mean, Chairman Sakayanagi.

"So, each of the Class representatives have received one Draft rights each, and as I've explained earlier, each of you has the right to choose a student from any of the three other classes to transfer them into your class." Chairman Sakayanagi said.

"Now, please start choosing, anyone can go first." After Chairman Sakayanagi said that, the class leaders started to stare at one another.

"I have a question." The one who spoke was one of the class leaders, Horikita Suzune.

"Hm? What might the question be?" Chairman Sakayanagi asked.

".....The student we chose, do they have the right to refuse?" Horikita asked without taking her eyes off of any of the other class leaders.

"No, once the student is chosen, he or she will immediately be transferred to the class that chooses him or her." Chairman Sakayanagi said.

"I also have a question." The next class leader who spoke was Ryuuen Kakeru.

"Please state your question." Chairman Sakayanagi said.

"If we pick any of the people here, who have draft rights, will the draft right of the chosen person be nullified? Because earlier, you said that each class only has one draft right each, so if, IF, I chose one person here who has a draft right, won't that technically make our class have two draft rights in total?" Ryuuen asked.

"To answer your question on whether the other person's draft right will be nullified if you chose them, the answer would be no. That is all I can say." Chairman Sakayanagi replied.

"Kukuku, I see." Ryuuen said.

"Now, have the representative of each class decided?" Chairman Sakayanagi asked and the 4 just nodded, one has a serious expression, one had a determined expression, the only boy had a grin, and the smartest of them all had a smug smile.

"Then, please, state your picks." Chairman Sakayanagi said.

[Note that the class standings are different in this, soooo.....]

"Ne, Sae-chan, are you nervous? Are you? Are you?" Hoshinomiya Chie, one of the homeroom teachers bugged her fellow teacher, Chabashira Sensei.

"Maybe, but not as nervous as you." Chabashira-sensei replied.

"Hmm~, since when did Sae-chan become so unreadable? Could it be because of the influence of someone? Or is it because of the current standing that you're--." Before Hoshinomiya-sensei could further inquire, Mashima-sensei intervened.

"Stop it, Hoshinomiya-sensei, please observe proper silence." Mashima-sensei said in a strict tone.

"Aww, I was just trying to fish out something, you know, you could've helped, it could've helped your class as well you know." Hoshinomiya-sensei said but she was completely ignored by Mashima-sensei.

"Please tone down your voices at the back." The one who said that was the Chairman himself, That was enough to make Hoshinomiya-sensei behave.

"Once, again, I ask each representative to please state their picks." Chairman Sakayanagi said.

"I, the Class C representative, choose Arisu Sakayanagi-san." The one who spoke first was Horikita Suzune.

"Ara, then, with my draft right, I choose Ichinose Honami-san." Sakayanagi followed.

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