Some More Mako-chan to treat my Mako Deficiency

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*A Mako a day, keeps the CoVid away.


It has been more than an hour now ever since Mako woke up, or to be more precise, woke up and then slammed her body onto mine. She started drooling a bit 30 minutes after that, and I now have to wipe almost like every 3 minutes, at first, it felt weird since her lips were so soft, but I eventually got used to doing it. 

you may be asking, why not wake her up, right? Well, to answer your question, I can't, because if I do, I might see something I shouldn't since the buttons of her pajamas were undone, so if I carelessly wake her up and she carelessly rises up, another thing will rise up and everything will be awkward. So now, my plan is to wait for her to wake up, then, before she opens her eyes, I'll pretend to keep, and once she notices her buttons are undone, then closes them, I'll pretend to wake up. Yep, sounds like a decent plan.

"Good morning, (Yawn), Ayanokouji-kun." Wow, I did not take that into account, well, the plan failed I guess. 

She was still on me, and her chin was resting on my chest and she was looking at me, I can't believe I found someone more touchy than Ichinose and Hoshinomiya-sensei. Is she still half asleep? Possibly, I mean her eyes still look a bit droopy. 

"Is there something on my face, Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked and I just noticed I was actually staring at her. Oh god, how many times have I spaced out in her presence?

"No, there isn't anything, I just spaced out for a sec." I said.

"Oh, I see." She said.

"Well, uhh, oh right, I'm sorry for sleeping in your dorm." I said.

"Hm? Oh, no, I don't mind, and besides, I think I'm the one who should apologize, after all, I was the one who fell asleep on you." She said. Oh, so she was aware of that, that's good.

"No, it's fine. I guess we're even." I said and she giggled.

"Yep, I guess so." She said.

"Well, since you're here, what about joining me for breakfast? I was thinking of having some Pancakes." She offered. Oh no. Please don't stand yet Amikura, I haven't come up with a plan yet.

"Uhh, sure, but can you, uh, excuse me for a bit, I kind of need to use the toilet." I said.

"Oh, sure, sorry." She said and as soon as she was off of me, I made my way to the toilet. Thank god, the layout of the dorms is the same, so I was able to navigate the bathroom with ease.

I entered the bathroom, it smells nice in here, of course, I'm not implying that I expected it to smell bad or anything, no, it's more like, the smell is a bit addicting. Well, anyway, I guess I should fix myself while I'm here.

3rd Person POV

Amikura was still sitting on the couch, the buttons of her pajamas were still undone, her hair, which was usually tied into a ponytail, was loose and messy, but she looked cute rather than haggard. She stretched her body and let out a cute yawn, as she stretched, she felt that her front felt a bit cold. She looked down and noticed that she was almost topless, she then became red and quickly buttoned her pajamas.

'T-That was close, i-it would've been bad if Ayanokouji-kun saw that.....' Amikura thought to herself.

She let out a sighed of relief and once again, for the third time, she let out a yawn, and this time, she was rubbing her eyes.

'I guess I slept a bit too late last night.'  She thought and let out a giggle.

She then stood up and twisted her body left and right, while she was doing this, the door to the bathroom opened, and came out Ayanokouji, who was looking much better than earlier when he woke up.

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