(This story doesn't make sense)

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*I have so many ideas that I don't even know which to write first...

"Huh...?" That's also probably the reaction of the readers reading this. Anyway, to start things off, I'm in a tiny predicament and I'm confused, just as confused as you, well, we both have different reasons, but nonetheless, we're confused human beings.

"Sorry, um, could you repeat that?" I asked the girl who is currently bowing in front of me while showing me the screen of her phone which is displaying her private point balance.

"P-Please be my b-boyfriend!" She said. Let's see, that's the second time she had said that and I still can't believe it... Hmm... What do men normally do in these kinds of situations? 

Let's see, if I were Ryuuen, I'd probably ask what do I gain and what can she offer me. If I was Akito, I'd probably, hmm, what would Akito actually do? Well, he'd either say that he'd rather focus on archery or say something like start with being friends if they aren't yet. Then, Keisei who'd probably get a bit flustered but would most likely reject this girl in front of me by saying that he's a study first guy. Who else? Hmm, Nagumo, a lot of experience, so he'd probably smooth talk his way out or something. Then there's also Yousuke, who'd probably reject the confession by saying that he's not looking for a new relationship as of the moment since his previous one just ended. Damn it, none of those fit me... Let's see, who else, Katsuragi? Nope. Ishizaki? Nah. One of the three idiots? No, besides, it's not like they'll get a confession any time soon, well, except for Ike if Shinohara gets some confidence. Ugh... Ah, Kanzaki, he's from the same class as this girl, what would he say? Probably something like, "I'm sorry, but I'm currently focused on bringing the class to the top." Or probably something like that. Wait, if I ask what's her reason for confessing to me, I might find a way to reply. Yeah, let's do that first.

"Uhh, before anything else, can I know why you're confessing to me and why are you showing me your points?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Ah, uhm, well, t-there's actually a rumor going around t-that you, umm... How do I say this without being rude....." Her voice gradually got lower as she spoke, but I manage to hear the last parts.

"Go on, I wouldn't mind if it's a bit rude or casual." I said.

"Well, there's a rumor that Ayanokouji-kun c-can be rented, as um, a date or boyfriend... So, umm....." She said. Umm indeed. 

As of this moment, I have a lot of questions, who started this rumor, when did this rumor start, why does this rumor even exist and if I even am a rental boyfriend, why would you rent me? Like, you, the female reader, give me one reason why you'd rent Ayanokouji? A dense idiot, in Kei's words at least. Anyway, more questions. How should I respond to that, and why does she even need or want a rental boyfriend? Maybe it's something along the lines of Kei's reason when she started "dating" Yousuke? Possible, but quite unlikely. Urgh, my head hurts. Girls and Love are difficult to understand. 

"Uh, if I may ask, where'd you heard that rumor from?" I asked.

"Ah! Well, uhh, earlier this week on one of the public platforms, a post went around the school, and it was a couple of pictures of you with different girls in each picture, and a lot of people started assuming things, t-then someone commented that you might've been a rental b-boyfriend." Around the school? Surely that's false, after all, if that was the case, I would be chased around by now, not by women, unfortunately, but by jealous men. So by "around" she could probably mean it just went around within "that" platform. The platform where the polls about boys are found and exclusive for girls for some reason... I forgot the name but it's most likely that app. Speaking of which, is this why Kei had been mad? Well, I guess I could ask her when I have time.

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