Story (?): At this point, I don't really know what I'm doing with my life (2)

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50%-kun POV

"Found you!" Someone said and I turned around to see who it was this time.

"Yousuke?" I said as I recognize the person.

"Hehe, please come with me Kiyotaka-kun, I just want to have a little chat." He said. Yeah, I highly doubt that, to the point that I'd rather trust Tsukishiro.

"Yeah, I think I'll pass on the offer." I said.

"I-I just really want to talk Kiyotaka-kun, do you not trust me?" I would've at least trusted you a little bit more if you weren't drooling. Of course, I can't say that.

"I trust you, but..." I intentionally paused.

"But? But what?" He said.

"No, it's nothing, never mind." I said.

"Wait, um, please tell me Kiyotaka-kun, d-did I do something?" He asked.

"No, anyway, I trust you Yousuke, I actually trust you more than Horikita." I said.

"E-Eh? R-Really?!" Isn't he a bit too happy to hear that?

"Yes, I wholeheartedly trust Hirata Yousuke." He blushed. Wait, what? Oi, why the hell are you blushing?

"Anyway, please excuse me, Yousuke, I uhh, have a date, I don't want to make them wait and hate me, you also don't want that right?" I said.

"Ah, oh, yes, I'm sorry for taking up your time Kiyotaka-kun, I-I'll see you around." He said.

"Yeah, likewise." I said then I ran as he turned around. That was the hardest obstacle yet.

Since I didn't really know where else I could hide, I just continued running, until I remembered that I can still enter the school since I was still in my uniform. I did just that and went to the staircases that led to the roof.

Once making sure that no one was around, I sat down and let out a sigh.

I've been running and hiding for a little more than 2 hours now, wait, since I'm at school, I should confront that man, the man who's behind this. Wait, no, actually, I might fall into a trap if I did that, especially if I don't have a proper plan, and I can't even make a proper plan since everyone is hunting me down. Good grief.

If I approach Hoshinomiya-sensei and accept her offer, she might be able to help, but since I can't really read her, it's hard to grasp what she's thinking and I don't really know how high her potential is, so I'll pass on that idea.

As I was thinking, I felt a soft and warm sensation on both sides of my head, I placed my hand to see what they were, I gently caressed them and I heard a moan, a pretty cute one.

"Senpai is a pervert." I look up to see that it was one of the 1sst years who have been chasing me, Tsubaki Sakurako. And my head was sandwiched by her thighs, it would've been pretty nice if it weren't for my current predicament. Not that I really am in one.

"Isn't that your fault? You were the one to suddenly approach me and do this after all." I said.

"Are you not enjoying it?" I can't say I'm not, in fact, it's rather comfortable, to the point that I'm slowly becoming drowsy.

"Perhaps." I gave a vague answer. Her face scrunched up a bit and she sandwiched my face a little harder than before, it doesn't really hurt, especially since they were soft. I wonder what punishments I'll receive from Kei if she saw this.

"Anyway, I'm sorry about this, it's nothing personal." I said.

"Huh? What do you-- Ahhn~" I caressed her thighs once again but this time a little more... you don't wanna know. That sound was bad for my heart.

COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (One Shots?)Where stories live. Discover now