Sibling Promise

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Year 843 – Shiganshia District

Third Person

"Eren, Mikasa, have you seen (Y/N)?" Your mum Carla asked your older brother and adoptive sister. "No, why?" Eren responded looking board as ever, "no, sorry Mrs Jaeger. Would you like me to look for her?" Mikasa replied looking at Carla's worried face. Carla's panicked expression slowly softened, into a mildly worried one. "That would be amazing dear, will you take Eren with you?" Carla asked kneeling down in front of Mikasa. Mikasa rewrapped her scarf around her neck and answered, "of course Mrs Jaeger." Eren could be heard protesting as Mikasa dragged him down the stairs of their house.

"Damn (Y/N), always running off and getting trouble. Were do we even look anyway" Eren grumbled as he walked through the busy streets of Shiganshina, followed by Mikasa. "Eren you shouldn't say that about your sister, she is a lot like you" Mikasa commented. "Well I don't care; I shouldn't have to look fo-" Eren was cut off by the sound of tears and screams coming from the long, dark alleyway.

Eren squinted down the alley were the sounds were coming from. He spotted the neighbourhood bullies kicking and teasing a blonde haired boy along with a small girl next to him. She was covered in bruises and some blood.

The tall, dirty blonde boy grabbed the boy up by his shirt, Eren and Mikasa immediately were able to recognize him as their friend Armin. The boy began yelling at Armin and prepared to punch him, the small girl slowly found her feet and stood up off the dirt ground. "Don't... touch... Armin..." she barley puffed out. "Eren, isn't that-" Mikasa began to ask Eren, when a loud cry erupted from the girl as the silver haired boy kicked her square in the stomach, causing her to fall on her side.

That had done it. Mikasa was fuming. Eren, filled with rage, ran straight for the boys leaving Mikasa behind as she tried to hold her anger. "You bastards! That's my sister" he yelled as he ran straight to the dirty blonde leader with his fists up. Upon spotting Eren the tall boy, dropped Armin and turned to face Eren. "Oh back for another beating stupid midget!" He smugly looked at Eren and raised his fists with the other boys behind him. "Leave... him... alone..." she breathlessly said from the ground. "Stay down runt!" the chubby, brown haired boy said as he kicked her back. She let out a cry in pain.

Mikasa couldn't control her anger anymore. She ran straight for the group of boys. "Oh no, it's her" the silver haired boy called out. "Let scram boys" the leader ordered. Mikasa and Eren chased the boys out of the alleyway. While Mikasa and Eren where chasing the boys, (Y/N) began slowly slipping in and out of consciousness. "(Y/N), (Y/N), can you hear me?" Armin's soft voice called out to Eren's little sister as she began to completely pass out. "Ar...min..." she called for him. Then she passed out.

Mikasa and Eren ran back over to (Y/N) and Armin. "Armin are you okay?" Eren questioned his best friend. "Yeah, I am fine. But (Y/N) isn't! We need to get her to Dr Jaeger" Armin replied. Mikasa began to tear up at the sight of her bruised, bleeding, adopted sister. Mikasa picked (Y/N) up from the dirty ground. "Let's go Armin, Eren where is your dad?" Mikasa asked in a cold, emotionless voice. "He should be home by now, lets try at home first" Eren told her. "Let's go. Armin what exactly happened?" She asked the shaking, blonde boy as they walked. "(Y/N) came to me so we could look at my book of the outside world, then the bullies came and started picking on us. (Y/N) stood up for me and took every punch and kick they threw at me" Armin carefully explained. "Thanks for telling me Armin" with that Mikasa walked off at  full speed with the limp girl in her arms.

Time Skip

"Dr Jaeger! Dr Jaeger!" Mikasa called as she ran through the door. "What is it Mikasa?" he asked turning from his book to face Mikasa. Carla turned from the dishes to Mikasa. They both spotted (Y/N) lying limp in Mikasa's Arms, covered in blood and bruises. Dr Jaeger stood up from his chair and ran to the two girls, "what happened Mikasa?" He questioned her. "She was getting bullied and hit by the boys from the neighbourhood, until Eren and I found her" She explained, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I'll take her from here Mikasa, thank you" Dr Yeager acknowledged her and took (Y/N) from her arms, walked into her room and placed her on the bed. Once the door was closed Eren and Armin walked into the room.

"Please don't tell me your injured too Eren" Carla asked worriedly and completely stressed out by what she just saw. "No mum I'm fine" Eren replied, annoyed. "Good, then you can dry the dishes while we wait for your father" Carla commented. "Fine" Eren grumbled, "of course Mrs Jaeger" Mikasa replied.

Time Skip

A couple of hours later Dr Jaeger emerged from the room, were (Y/N) lay sleeping. "How is she?" Carla and asked, while hugging a very upset Mikasa and distraught Eren. "She is doing better, she has a broken rib, a dislocated knee and a lot of bruising. Apart from that she is okay. I have done my best" Dr Jaeger explained. "Oh walls" Carla exclaimed. "Can... Can Eren and I go see her" Mikasa asked Dr Jaeger and Carla. "I'm not so sure at the moment" Carla expressed worriedly. "Mi... kasa... Er... en" (Y/N) called out in an exceptionally soft and quiet voice, whilst in her semi conscious state. "I think she'd like that, as long as you are incredibly careful" Dr Jaeger approved, with a softened expression.

Mikasa and Eren entered (Y/N)'s room. Eren sat on wooden chair by the side of the bed, while Mikasa stood on the opposite side or the bed. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Mikasa whispered over and over again. "Damn it (Y/N), I'm sorry for not being there for you. For not being there to protect you like a good big brother" Eren began talking to the barley conscious brown haired girl.

Mikasa knelt down beside the bed, gripping the sheets and began to silently cry. Eren took her small, (S/T) hand in his. A sudden determined look appeared in his eyes as he looked at his little sister, then he began to speak. "(Y/N), I promise you... I Promise that I will be a better big brother. I promise, from now on I am going to protect you... forever!" his voice spoke in both quietness and determination. He was going to protect his little sister... Forever. That was a promise. 

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