57 Expedition (Part 6)

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Wall Maria – 850

Y/N's Point of View

"I'm just starting to feel the pain in my leg. Nothing much, I'm fine" I lied. We continued through the forest until we reached the wagons and everyone else. They got Eren onto a wagon and I sat beside him.

One of the medics had snapped my leg back into place and had bandaged it. Admittedly it hurts like hell, but nothing can compare to the emotional pain I feel right now. Oluo, Eld, Gunther... Petra. All killed right in front of me.

I watched Mikasa walk by to check on us and I decided to ask a favour. "Hey Mika?" I called. "Yeah? Are you okay?" She questioned. "Not really but I need a favour..." I replied. "What do you need?" "Well considering we can't get me a crutch to support my weight until we get back to the walls, I was wondering if you could help me over to the deceased. There is someone I need to see" I told her. She nodded and helped my off the cart.

She helped me hobble over to the corpses. I looked over all of them to find a certain one. I noticed one with an arm hanging out, the hand had a bite mark on it. I knew it was her. "Over there" I pointed to the corpse.

Mikasa helped me stumble over and I sat down beside the wrapped sheet. "Go back to Eren. I am going to be a few minutes" I told her. She nodded and walked back over to Eren. I leant over the corpse and hugged it.

Tears escaped my eyes as I shut my eyelids closed tightly. "I'm so, so sorry Petra. I'm so sorry. I should never have left. I'm sorry" I mumbled as I hugged the corpse. My adoptive sister Petra... Gone. "How am I going to tell your parents? I can't believe your gone. I'm so sorry Petra. You really were one of the best sisters in the world" I whispered to her lifeless body.

I felt a presence behind me and sat up. I pulled myself back and look at the person. The captain. I wanted to ask what he was doing but kept my mouth shut. I watched as he moved some of the cloth and cut out her scout emblem. "Sir, what are you doing?" I asked. "It's a way for the families to have some sort of closure. From what I understand you two were close?" Levi spoke. "She was one of my adoptive sisters" I told him, looking at her. "I see. Sorry for your loss" he replied then walked off.

I looked at her and pulled the sheet back a bit. I closed her eyes with the tips of my fingers and pushed some of her hair out of her face. "Goodbye Petra" I whispered as I kissed her forehead. I rewrapped all the cloth around her, so she was covered and then Mikasa came back. "You ready?" She asked softly. "Yeah" I smiled and sad smile looking up at her.

She helped me up we walked (stumbled) back to Eren. I got into the cart and sat beside him. I swept some hair out of his eyes and lay down beside him. I laid my cape as pillow and Eren had Mikasa's. A few minutes later I curled into him, with my injured leg still straight. I drifted off into a very light sleep.

Jean's Point of View

I had just finished loading up all the bodies into the carts with Armin. We were now walking side by side. I was wondering were (Y/N) is. "Hey Armin, do you know were (Y/N) is?" I asked the blonde. "No, maybe we can go and ask Mikasa" he replied, pointing out the raven haired girl. "Alright" I answered, and we walked over to Mikasa.

She was standing over a cart looking at something. "Hey Mikasa, have you seen Eren and (Y/N)?" Armin asked as we walked over. She gesture for us to be quiet and then pointed her head into the cart. Armin and I peaked in and saw (Y/N) and Eren. (Y/N) was cuddled into Eren's side, they were both asleep.

Eren looked like worse shit than usual and (Y/N) had her leg all bandaged up with a slight splint, a bandage on her head and some cuts... Wait what!? "What the hell happened to her?!" I whisper-shouted. "According to her she pushed Eren out of the way of the female titan, she grabbed her leg and threw her into a tree, dislocating her leg" Mikasa explained.

"She what!?" I whisper-shouted again. "Jean calm down" Armin ushered me. I rolled my eyes and internally growled. I was pissed that she got hurt protecting Jaeger. So I walked off to clear my head.

Time Skip

Y/N's Point of View

I was awoken by the sound of shouting. I quickly sat up and moved to a seat to watch what was happening. Two titans were closing in from the rear and other titans were coming from all directions. "For walls sake" I muttered.

I watched as the red flare was fired, I pulled the thin splint, which stopped my leg from bending, out and got my gear on. 'I have to help' the only thought in my mind. I called my horse and it broke free of the grip the soldier had on its reins and ran over to me.

I jumped on the back and headed towards Mikasa. She had just killed a titan and saved a soldier. "Mikasa!" I called out to her. "(Y/N)!? What are you doing out here!?" She shout-asked. "I had to help, let's go.

She jumped on her horse and went straight to Eren who was still unconscious in the cart. I turned and rode up behind a titan that was going after the carts. I went to activate my gear when I heard people yelling.

"Were done! It's gaining on us!" One soldier shouted. "I'll jump behind the bastard and distract it! Give you a chance to put some distance-" The second soldier was cut off by what sounded like captain Levi. Yup, it was. "Don't bother. You have to get rid of the extra weight. Dump the bodies" he ordered them. I rod up between the carts.

"Captain! You can't be serious!" I shouted. He looked over to me. "I am, and what are you doing on a horse? Get the hell back on that cart" he tried to order me, but I didn't listen. "B-but sir-" a soldier tried to protest. "Do you know how many corpses we've already left behind? These ones aren't special, dump them. Consider this their last service to the cause" Levi ordered.

"Are we doing this!? We can't seriously be doing this?!" A soldier cried out while he hugged the bodies. I shook my head before I realised, he was right. "Don't just stand there and listen to the captains orders! Dump the damn bodies!" I yelled at them. I had tears in my eyes again. 'I can't believe I'm saying this' I internally scolded.

"I'm sorry! There's just no other way!" The other soldier shouted as he opened the back of the cart. They tossed out body after body. I looked back at the bodies as they were thrown out. It made me feel sick.

A particular body caught my eye as it bounced, and the cloth came undone. The familiar strawberry-blonde hair flew as the body flew back. "Goodbye" I whispered as the body hit the ground and flew by the titans feet. I looked away, not being able to bare anymore and rode up to the cart. I climbed back in and lay beside Eren, hugging him tightly. "I refuse to loose you Eren" I whispered to him as I hugged his unconscious form.

Time Skip

Mikasa had hoped in the cart with us now. She wanted to be near us but mostly, so I didn't jump on a horse and run off again. 'Whoops my bad' I giggled a bit in my head.

Eren had gotten a bit restless and Mikasa called out his name. "Eren" She called. His eyes shot open and he gasped. "Easy" I told him. He slowly tried to sit up. "Don't even think about it" I told him, avoiding eye contact. "Don't try to sit up just yet. You need rest" Mikasa spoke nicer, for the first time ever.

"Where's the female titan?" Eren asked. I unknowingly balled my hands into fists as Mikasa replied, "she got away from us." Mikasa and Eren spoke for a few minutes, I just tuned out thinking about my time with Petra over the years.

I was brought back to reality when Eren turned and spoke to me. "I thought you were dead. Are you okay (N/N)?" He asked. "The titan just threw me. I'm fine. How are you doing E?" I responded. "Could be better" he sounded like he was about to cry.

As we rode through the walls, I listened to people being arses about the scouts. I held my temper until I couldn't. I snapped. "At least we had the guts to got out you cowards! Go to hell! If you had seen half of the stuff, we've seen you wouldn't be complaining!" I shouted as I weakly stood. Mikasa pulled my back to the floor as Eren sobbed, "Eren, (Y/N), ignore it" Mikasa told us.

I sat down with a huff and rubbed Eren's arm. "It'll be okay" I told him. He just sobbed. The sound of the kids filled with hope, filled Eren's ears as well as my own. Mikasa held his hand while I rubbed his arm. He was using his arm to muffle his crying. A few of my own tears slipped to.  

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