The Caverns

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

The captain opened the door and jumped down. There was another room with a door. We all got down, dragging our supplies with us. "Ready?" the captain asked. Everyone nodded.

The captain then kicked the door open. We then rolled the three barrels down the stairs. The barrels stopped rolling and Sasha lit her arrow up using Armin's torch. We all then bolted out of the room, following the captain's lead.

Sasha aimed her arrow and shot the barrel. Within seconds it exploded, smoke filling the cavern. The captain and Mikasa took off. "Nice one Sash" I praised. Sasha grinned at me for a moment. I moved to my position between Jean and Moblit. I started shooting flares.

"Here they come!" A soldier alerted his comrades. "Shoot them down!" Another soldier spoke. The rest of us started shooting more flares. The MP soldiers made noises of confusion.

"Thirty-five total, in the upper parts of the pillars! Continue the plan!" The captain shouted. I dropped my flare gun and used my gear to shoot off the stairs. "We'll take them all out right here!" The captain added. I flew up behind Mikasa.

"Everyone scatter! Let them spread out, then surround them!" The blonde ordered her soldiers. Sasha shot the next barrel, bringing another explosion of smoke. "I can't see shit! Damn it, where'd they go?!" A soldier complained. Jean came up behind the soldier and sliced through his neck. I took out the other soldier nearby. We nodded to each other quickly.

I passed by Hanji. "Take this!" A soldier yelled. Right before he could shoot, Moblit shot a flare in between her and the soldier. The soldier missed Hanji. "Damn it!" He exclaimed in frustration. He began to reload his guns. Hanji took this opportunity to drive her blade straight through him.

Sasha shot the last barrel. I watched as Mikasa killed three people straight. A soldier behind her shot at her. I launched at him. Mikasa kicked him in the face, while I pushed my blade through his chest. "Stay away from my sister" I growled through gritted teeth before pulling the blade out and letting his corpse drop to the ground.

Mikasa sped off, right as two soldiers came up behind me. "Shit!" I turned quickly and sliced the neck of one. The other shot the pillar behind me. Some fragments broke off and sliced him head. Blood dripped down over my eye. I pushed off the pillar and sliced the soldiers neck.

I flew up high. I spotted two soldiers around Hanji again. I shot down as she shot up. I sliced through the body of one, at the same time she did. "Thanks for the help, cinnamon roll!" Hanji exclaimed. "Always Hanji" I smiled back.

I then spotted the blonde one. I noticed Mikasa going for her as well. She dodged Mikasa's attack narrowly. I shot towards her. I swung my blades at her, I missed. "Where. Is My. Brother?!" I questioned angrily. I continued to follow the blonde one. Swerving around pillars.

Hanji came up out of the smoke. The blonde shot two shots a good distance from where Hanji actually was. "The hell?" I landed on a nearby pillar, trying to figure out her motive. "Huh? Those shots weren't even close to hitting. It looks like I've found another reckless spirit!" Hanji shouted. I watched as the blonde landed on a pillar, she aimed her anchor at Hanji. No.

"Hanji move!" I shouted. "Huh?!" Hanji gasped. The blonde shot her anchor at Hanji. It pierced Hanji in the shoulder. Blood spurted out as Hanji let out a pained grunt and shout. The blonde through Hanji into a pillar, letting out a scream as she did so. Hanji smashed into the pillar and let out another pain filled scream. She fell down the pillar, landing on the floor. She didn't move.

"No..." I gasped out. Everyone gasped. "Hanji!" Jean and I shouted at the same time. I grit my teeth, rage filling me. I went straight for the blonde. "Now! We'll reform our defence at the fall back point! Time to regroup!" The blonde ordered her comrades.

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