Trial Preparations

219 10 1

Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

II smiled at the sight. "You didn't die for nothing captain" I whispered to myself. Eren's titan sat with it's head leaning on the bolder. I heard a noise from behind me and looked back. Rico had shot the yellow flare, signalling the mission was a success. I smiled at her before I climbed up Eren's titan form with Armin to get him.

"Mindless stragglers. Ackerman pull back!" Rico ordered. "With all due respect, I am not withdrawing till I recover Eren" Mikasa replied.

I sat on top of one of Eren's shoulder as I pulled him out. "Armin! (Y/N)! How is he!?" Mikasa asked us. I didn't reply as I was concentrating on getting my brother out. I hugged around the torso from behind.

Armin replied, "unconscious and scorching to the touch!" He is right, he feels like fire. "We have to get him up the wall!" Armin shouted.

"Armin I can't get him out" I told the blonde next to me. Mikasa and Rico came up and landed on the titan. Armin started helping me pull. "Damn it, he's fused to the carcass! We can't work him free" Armin exclaimed.

"Then we cut" Rico told us. "Wait, we don't know what that might do" Mikasa panicked. "We can't just do that!" I shouted. Too late. She raised her blade and sliced through the muscles holding Eren to the carcass.

Armin and I fell back off of Eren, with the real Eren. Armin let out a small scream as we fell to the ground. On the upside one of Eren's feet broke our fall. We landed and Armin coughed a bit.

I was now hugging my brother the same way I was when he came out of the titan the first time. I wasn't going to let go. I was hugging him when I felt to shadows come over us. I looked up and saw two grinning titans above us. I gripped Eren tighter and buried my face in his neck. I had barely any energy left.

Armin's eyes widened at the titans and Mikasa called out, "Eren, Armin, (Y/N)!" With that she ran for us. The titan reached one of it's giant hands out for us. I shut my eyes tight.

I didn't look up, but I heard Eren stir a little. I heard a grunt, the sound of blades slicing thought the napes and the fall of the titan bodies. I finally looked up. I looked to Eren who had his eyes open a fraction as I held onto him. I looked from Eren to the titan bodies.

On top of the bodies a short, raven haired man landed. "Mikasa, (Y/N)" Armin gasped. "Who is that?" Mikasa asked no one in particular. We starred at the man then I looked to his cape. "The wings of freedom..." I mumbled. The man turned his head to face us.

"Pay attention kiddos. This is the part were you explain to me exactly what it is I'm looking at" the man told us. I stayed silent.

After a few minutes soldier came to detain Eren who had passed out again. They stepped towards him. Mikasa put up a small fight but eventually backed off with Armin. They stepped towards Eren.

"Don't you fucking dare. I have no problem killing you like a damn titan. Back the hell up" I growled. They didn't listen and I unsheathed fresh blades and stood defensively in front of Eren. This was all to familiar. "I mean it. Don't touch him" I growled again.

"Step aside" a soldier said to me. "No!" I shouted. "(Y/N) please" Armin tried. I just glared at the soldiers in front of me. They walked closer to him and I went to swing but I was stopped. "Huh?" I made a noise of confusion as I looked back. Mikasa had grabbed me and was holding me back!?

"Let me go Mikasa!" I yelled at her. "I'm not going to do that (N/N). You need to stop. We'll get Eren out soon. It'll be okay" She assured me. The soldiers got to Eren and I started to take him away. I struggled against her grip as I screamed. After a minute or so of that I went limp. Due to not only physical pain but emotional pain as well.

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