The Plan for Stohess

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Y/N's Point of View

Eren, captain Levi and I sat in one of the halls of the old scout headquarters. We were drinking tea and the captain was in casual clothes. They ordered me to, but I didn't listen and remained in my uniform. It was silent until the captain spoke. "What's the hold up? Erwin's never late, he should be here. At this rate the damn MP's will show up first. That'd be great. Who could say? Maybe he's taking a shit. Duty calls right?" The captain spoke.

"Wow, you sure are in a talkative mood today captain" Eren commented. "So what if I am? Doesn't mean I was talking to you" captain Levi replied. I heard the captain strain a bit then I watched him move his hand to his leg.

"I'm sorry about that captain" I told him. "No (N/N). It's my fault sir, I made the choice, If I had thought this through none of this-You wouldn't-" Eren apologised. I gripped his arm. "It wasn't your fault" I told him. "You both made judgement calls. Look no one expects it to be perfect. Besides, I'd be in a much worse position now if it weren't for the assistance I got" Levi spoke. "Captain, I also must thank you. You saved Eren, I am truly grateful to you. Thank you" I thanked. "Tch" was all I got in reply.

Just as he replied the doors to the mess hall opened, Eren stood up. "Sorry to keep you waiting" The voice of the commander rang. I looked up and saw Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Erwin and a few other soldiers, my eyes widened. "What-what are you all doing here?" Eren asked. I took a sip of my tea.

"We believe we have uncovered the female titans identity" Erwin spoke. I spat out my tea and stood up on both legs. "Who is the bitch?" I growled. I instantly regrated standing as pain shot through my leg and I stumbled back. The chair caught me.

Eren had gasped at the commanders statement and the commander added. "She won't slip away this time" he added. We all sat down, and the commander began to talk.

"The day after tomorrow we pass through Stohess district on route to the capital, that's when we will strike. It will be our first and only chance to do so. Once we step foot in the capital the government will assume custody of Eren-" At Erwin's words I unintentionally scrunched my paper a bit as I tightened my fists. Eren placed a hand on me and I calmed slightly.

"-And the scouts authority to continue operations will be limited. Thus unless we wish to conceive defeat, we must flush out the enemy now. So here's what we do; while in Stohess we use Eren as bait-" Erwin started explaining but I cut him off. "You want to what!?" I shouted. "We need to use Eren as bait. He's the only bait we have. Please let me explain" Erwin spoke. I grumbled and moved back in my seat, Erwin took this as a sign to continue.

"As I was saying, we'll use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper the better. We get her well beneath street level. That done she should be easily immobilised, even in titan form. If she transforms before reaching the tunnel, then at that point she will become you responsibility Eren" Erwin explained.

"Right. So we know she'll be in Stohess. There's no chance she'll bolt before we get there?" Eren responded. "No. She won't risk going awol" Erwin answered. "Wait. You means she's..." Eren trailed off.

"Armin here identified her. She's an MP. Likely responsible for the deaths of Hanji's test subjects-" Erwin told us. "Wait, your telling me she is responsible for making Hanji upset too?! Who the hell is she? I have a lot of bloody revenge planed" I spoke as the thoughts of my dead squad mates and Hanji crying plagued my mind.

"She is a fellow trainee in the hundred and fourth cadet corps" Erwin finished. I started thinking of the girls I our cadet crops that went to the MP's. "You can't be serious, I trained with her" Eren gasped. "I'm sorry to say but yes. She's one of us" Erwin told him.

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