57th Expedition (Part 5)

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Wall Maria – 850

Y/N's Point of View

Then the female titan appeared. Running at us.

"She's coming for us!" Eld shouted. "Damn you! When Eren's safe I'm going to kill you!" I warned it. She was running at us full speed, I think. She was closing in on us fast. "Damn you! Not again! I'll kill you! I swear I will!" Eren shouted as he lifted his hand to his mouth.

"No, don't!" Eld ordered him. "We've got this. The three of us can handle her! You take (Y/N) and get back to base!" Eld continued. "Go! Now!" He finished. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I nodded. "Don't die!" I shouted to them as I took off with Eren. I saw a smile from Eld and Petra out the corner of my eye.

"I can fight her too!" Eren shouted as he got out of my grip. "Just go! This is our best course of action! We cannot afford to put you at risk!" Eld shouted back. "Have you learnt nothing? Through all this you still doubt our skills!?" Oluo scolded him. "Is that true Eren?! I thought you had faith in us! That you trusted us!" Petr panicked.

Eren then turned around and caught up with me. "I have faith in the Levi squad! Good luck!" Eren called back. The squad smiled and turned back to the titan.

Eren and I watched as we continued through the forest. You could hear the battle cried of the squad as they took out her eyes. Eren gasped and I smiled. "Go get her!" I cheered. The female titan stumbled back and covered her nape with her hand. She was now leaning against a tree.

Eld signalled for them to go for the arms. 'Dang they're good' I thought. They sliced at her arms until they went limp at her sides. "They're down! Now go for the neck!" Eld shouted. Then he shot off to the neck. "Take out the mussels supporting her head!" Oluo added. "Let's choke our way to the nape!" Petra finished.

"Come on Eren. They've got this, let's get you to safety" I smiled to him. "Yeah" Eren replied. Then we looked back to the fight.

Just as Eld went for the slice one of her eyes opened and she bit down on Eld. "Eld!" I screamed. Eren turned back around. "Eren wait!" I cried out as I followed after him.

"How?! She can see again! That's impossible! She channelled her energy into one eye to make it grow back quicker! How can she do that!? " Petra exclaimed. The titan began chasing after Petra. "No!" I screamed. "Petra! Pull yourself together!" Oluo ordered. The titan was practically on top of her now.

"Petra!" Oluo screamed. Petra let out an ear piercing scream as she was squashed to the tree base. Her blood squirting everywhere. "Petra! No!" I cried out. I felt my blood boil, but I have to protect Eren. Eren screamed as he got closer to the titan.

While the titan wasn't looking Oluo went for the nape. "Now... Die!" He shouted. Right as he hit the nape, she hardened it. Then she kicked him, and he went flying. Blood spraying across the trees as his body flew. Trees now painted red. "Oluo!" I cried out.

The female titan landed on the ground now. That sickening smile on her face. "Eren come back!" I called in a panic as he was right above the female titan. She reached up to grab him, but I pushed him out of the way. She grabbed me and flung me into a nearby tree. I landed conscious some how and it took me a minute to regain my stance. It felt as though I had broken my leg, if not dislocated, it certainly looks it. My leg was practically bent backwards. I didn't care though, I have to get to Eren.

"(Y/N)! I'm going to Kill you!" Eren shouted as he bit down on his hand and transformed. "Eren!" I scream-called as I shot my gear after him.

His titan light appeared round him and he transformed into the exact same titan from Trost. It let out it's roar as it landed on the ground. I hovered from a nearby tree. The female titan just looked at him as he ran towards her.

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