The Fall of Trost (Part 1)

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Trost – 850

Eren's Point of View

The colossal titan just appeared, I gasped. I looked closer and saw my sister right near it. 'Shit' the word popped into my head. Before any of us could react a sudden, burning hot steam came from the colossal, blowing us off the wall and burning us.

I started falling down when I activate my gear. "It's hot!" I shouted. I managed to hook into the wall and stop my fall. I looked around and then I heard Connie's voice, "Samuel!" He shouted. I looked down and then sure enough, Samuel was falling down the wall. Sasha ran after him.

I looked around quickly for my sister when I heard Mina this time. "(Y/N)!" She screamed. I quickly looked down to my left and saw my little sister falling. 'Shit! She must have hit her head!' I internally shouted. I didn't need to be reminded twice. I let my hook go and sped after my sister.

I quickly grabbed her limp body and climbed back up to my spot. I was hooked in solid. I then noticed blood coming out the back of her head. "Shit!" I shouted out loud this time. I started shaking (Y/N). "(Y/N)! Get up! Come on, wake up!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face as I shook her. She wasn't waking or even stirring.

"That's it! That's twice now. That is too damn close" I said to myself. I looked to the gate and saw nothing. A hole. "Not again" I head Thomas say. "Their gonna get in, their gonna get in, their gonna get in!" Connie shouted.

As I looked at the hole, I had flashbacks playing on my mind. Mum being eaten. My vow, I'm going to put a stop to this. I came back to reality. "I will. This ends now" I told myself. I passed my sister to Connie. "This is it people. Do or die! Mounted cannon squad four, take out the colossal titan! This is our chance! Don't let it slip away!" I screamed. With that I shot up the wall.

'That bastard almost killed my sister... Again. He's gonna pay' I growled in my head. I spun though the air and landed back on top of the wall. "You. It's been a while" I spoke to the colossal. It looked at me but didn't move.

I ran along the wall, dodging the steam. The titan moved as if it was going to swing at me. It was. It swung at me and knocked all the cannons off the wall. I jumped of the wall and swung around the titan. 'That son of a bitch just took out the cannons. The gate was no accident back then. He planned it. He has intelligence!' I thought to myself.

He turned his head to me then went to grab me. I hooked around his arm. 'All the more reason to not waste a second! Without him the other titans have nothing!-' I said in my head. I landed on his forearm and began to run up his arm. '-I have to take him down!"

I went for the nape. "Take this!" I shouted as I went for the kill. Right at the last second, he let of a large steam blast that threw me backwards. It burned like hell. I quickly recoiled the wire for my gear and got closer to the titan. I sliced again as I got close, letting out a battle cry. I sliced. When I looked up all I saw was steam. 'How did I miss?' I growled at myself.

I shot back into the wall. I looked towards the ground. 'Did he just, vanish?' I asked myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Thomas. "Hey Eren! Where'd he go? Did he get away or'd you take him out!?" Thomas asked-yelled at me. "He's gone! Exactly like five years ago! He's here one minute and gone the next! Just like that! How's my sister?!" I shout-replied. "Not good!" Thomas shouted to me. 

I quickly went back up the wall. When I got there, I saw that Connie had laid her down on the concrete. A small pool of blood was under her head. I quickly ran over to her picking her limp torso up in my arms. "I'm sorry (N/N)" I whispered to her as I hugged her limp body to me.

"I'm sorry guys" I told the others as I held her. "Don't apologise, look at us. We're to scared to move" Thomas reassured me. "Hey! Wallow on your own time. If you hadn't noticed there's a breach. We have to act now! If they start pouring in that's it!" Connie told us.

"Look alive! Operation colossal titan response is in effect. I expect you all to take part!" A Garrison Flew over to us. Thomas and Connie saluted, I couldn't as I had my sister in my arms. "Report to HQ. If you got close to the damn thing, we need details!" Another soldier ordered. "Sir!" the three of us shouted. "Sir, we pray the advance team will be victorious" Connie added. "Take the other soldier with you. Get her patched up" the first soldier ordered us again. "Sir" I said alone this time.

With that three of us took off to HQ. "Er...en" I heard (Y/N) whisper. "I'm here. Just hold on a little longer" I told her.

We burst through the doors where everyone was getting ready. I held my sister in my arms as I ran over to a flat bench, were Mikasa and Armin sat. I noticed Bertholdt and Reiner come over.

"What happened?!" Mikasa shouted in a panic as I placed (Y/N) down. She was slowly regaining consciousness. "Someone get some bandages!" Mikasa ordered. Armin ran off and came back quickly, with bandages.

I watched as Armin held (Y/N) up as Mikasa bandaged her head.

Y/N's Point of View

I felt arms around me as I slowly came to my senses. "(Y/N) thank the walls!" Mikasa shouted as she finished with my bandage and hugged me tightly. "H-hey Mika" I said. "Jeez my head hurts' I thought.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?!" Jean asked me in a panic as he ran over. "Jean! I'm alright. Just hit my head" I told him as I stood up. He hugged me tightly and blushed. He quickly pulled back, realising what he had done obviously. "I'm sorry" he quickly apologised. "It's fine" I assured him.

"So what happened exactly?" Reiner asked. Mikasa pulled me back in for a hug as I spoke, "I don't remember. Eren?" I asked, passing on the question. Armin handed me some water while we listened.

"That colossal bastard appeared. He let off a blast of steam the burnt you and pushed you back into the cannons causing your head to split open" Eren rambled. Bertholdt looked at the ground guiltily for some reason. 'Maybe he just felt bad I got hurt' I told myself. "Well I'm glad your okay now" Reiner spoke. "We have to keep moving. Stay safe!" Reiner shouted as he and Bertholdt walked off.

"Lets get moving" I told the boys who were still with me. Mikasa had walked off moments ago. We went to refile our gas. "What's the matter Armin!?" Eren yelled at Armin. He was shaking and couldn't connect the bars together to refile his gas "Eren don't yell at him" I scolded.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just give me a second for my nerves to settle. This is bad isn't it? We have a hole in the wall that's eight meters wide and we don't even remotely have the engineering know-how to plug it. The huge boulder by the front gate is our best bet but we don't have a means to hoist it in place. Unless we seal the breach, the entire city is as good as dead! How long do you think before they take wall Rose? Seriously how long?! Think about it, anytime they strike they could wipe out the entire human race in an afternoon!" Armin rambled panicky.

"Armin! Calm down!" I told him as I grabbed his shoulder. "Armin listen to me. Your focused on the past. Look ahead. We're not going to be the victims anymore" Eren told Armin. "Armin, it'll be okay. I promise you" I told him. "Sorry, I-I'm okay" Armin told us.

We finished preparing and lined up in rows. "I want everyone split up into four squadrons as practiced. Each squadron is responsible for supply runs, message relay and enemy combat under the command of the garrison regiment. The intercept squadron will be taking the vanguard. Cadets will be taking the middle guard, led by the support squads. Rear guard will be taken by the elites. I expect you all to man your pasts knowing the advanced team has already been wiped out-" captain Woermann shouted. Everyone gasped. "-That's right! The outer gate in history! The titans are in! This means the armoured titan is likely to reappear. If and when he does the inner gate will also be history!" Woermann continued. Everyone began chatting amongst themselves. "Quite! Right, those in the vanguard be ready. Your mission is simple. Man the city until the evacuation is done. Now be aware all of you desertion is punishable by execution! If it comes to it, lay down your lives! Dismissed!" Woermann finished. "sir!" Everyone shouted and saluted. 

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