57th Expedition (Part 1)

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Scout Regiment Headquarters

Y.N's Point of View

Jean and I walked back into the room in the middle of their convocation. "So then, you guys are really..." Eren trailed off. "Yes. We will be in the upcoming operation as well" Mikasa told him. I was currently glued to my brothers side, hugging him tightly.

"Hey Eren-" Jean grabbed Eren's attention. "-I heard that when you were in your titan form, you intentionally tried to crush Mikasa and (Y/N). You mind telling us what that's all about?" Jean sked him. Eren gasped. "You're wrong. He thought he was just swatting a fly, nothing more-" Mikasa tried to reason with him.

"I wasn't asking you. Oh by the way, that cut on your cheek and the one on (Y/N)'s arm, both look pretty deep. Just how did you get that again?" Jean cut her off, more coldly than usual. Mikasa went to cover her face with her hair and me, my arm with my hand.

Eren looked down to me sadly. "Apparently it's all true. When I was a titan, I tried to kill Mikasa an (Y/N)" Eren told him. Mikasa and I looked at him wide eyed. "Apparently?! As in you don't remember what you did or not?" Jean questioned. "So basically you can transform into a fourteen meter tall monster at will, but when you do, you don't actually have full control over it" Jean added.

"Not yet, but that's right" Eren told him. Jean sighed. "Do you hear that everyone? What a fine situation this is. Our lives and the fate of all mankind rest on his shoulders. I'm guessing we'll probably all end up like Marco. Dead well before Eren even knows it" Jean told them.

Mikasa looked at me. Tears building in my eyes once more. "Stop it! What's the point in chastising Eren now, just give it a rest" Mikasa snapped. I mouthed a 'thank you' to her and she nodded back.

"Listen Mikasa, unlike you and (Y/N), most of the rest of us aren't willing to just throw our live away for him on a whim" Jean told her. She jolted a tiny bit before regaining her composure. "We need a reason. The truth. We want to know what we are laying our lives down for. Otherwise we might hesitate when the times at hand. What we want is a guarantee from Eren. Show us what your worth, prove it to us. We're asking you to make us believe your worth dying for" Jean continued.

Jean then walked up to Eren and gripped him by the shoulders. Eren pushed me away from him as Jean gripped him. "You think you can do that? If you can, we're with you all of the way" Jean told him. "Right" Eren whispered back.

Jean separated from Jean and I spoke up. "Listen, all of you. I've already lost too many people, I won't lose you to. You have my grantee and promise that I will lay down my life for your" I told them. Reiner and Connie gave me a thumbs up and a smile, Bertholdt and Armin gave me a smile, Sasha and Krista hugged me and Ymir 'tched' me. I smiled at them all.

Time Skip

We sat in our squad waiting for the gate to open. I was nervous as all hell, but I was more determined to protect Eren. Looked to him and Petra and smiled. She smiled back as did he.

"Titans nearby have been lured away. Gate opens in thirty seconds" A soldier shouted. I suddenly heard to young voices. I know Eren did to because we both turned in the direction of the voices. There was a little boy and an even smaller girl peaking at all of us through a window.

"Awesome, it's the scouts!" The little girl exclaimed. "See that symbol? They call it the wings of freedom" the boy told the girl. "Awesome" she gaped at us jaw dropped. Eren and I smiled softly at the kids before turning back to face the front. I had a serious demeaner on.

"This is it! The day has come for humanity to take another step forward! Now lets show those titans exactly what were made of!" A soldier shouted. We all raised our swords in the air. I didn't. I'm more focused on protecting Eren right now.

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