Out of the Caverns

86 4 1

Reiss Chapel – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

"Give me the keys!" The captain ordered. "Now!" I backed. "Captain, (Y/N), all of you" Eren's eyes widened. The captain grabbed one of Eren's chained arms, while Jean grabbed the other. I moved to his still chained leg.

The captain undid Eren's arm chain before handing the keys down to me. "(Y/N), hurry" the captain ordered. I grabbed the keys and the first one into the lock, it didn't work. "Just leave me here! Forget it! Hurry up and escape!" Eren cry-shouted. I put the second key in the lock, it didn't work. "Stop whining, you half naked weirdo! We've got gunmen and a titan coming at us, so pipe down!" Jean shouted at him.

I used the third key and it unlocked. "Jean, quickly" I handed him the keys. I stood behind Eren and grabbed him from under his shoulders. "Woah, it's even bigger than the colossal titan!" Sasha exclaimed.

"The celling! Look out!" Mikasa shouted. I looked up and saw the celling falling down on us. Jean unlocked Eren's last chain. "Get back!" The captain ordered. The three of us dragged Eren back, right as a chunk of the roof came down and smashed the ledge.

We all stood against the wall. I was in between Jean and Eren. The blast was blinding and strong. More of the celling was collapsing. "Damn it! We'll be buried alive!" Jean shouted.

Eren suddenly dropped down beside me, he had tears spilling from his eyes. "Eren" I called as I knelt down beside him. I pulled him into a brief hug. "Sorry, I can't" Eren cried. I let him go and looked at him as he spoke. "I've been dead weight every damn step of the way. This power never should have been given to me. I can't be humanity's hope, I'm just to weak" Eren cried.

He then spotted something to my left. "Armour?" Eren questioned. I looked behind me and saw a vile. I picked it up and held it in front of me. "Come on, stop playing the tragic hero. Of course you're too weak to accomplish jack by yourself, but no one expects you too" Jean told him. "Yeah, calm it down. We've been through a hole lot worse than this, man" Connie backed. "Not that I really want to get used to it!" Sasha commented.

"Still, it's gonna suck trying to fly through that mess" Connie smiled. "I'll take Eren" Mikasa spoke up. "I've got Tori!" I grinned, standing back up. Historia gave me a small smile, she was wide eyed . "It's gonna take all that we have to not get hit, so hold on for your life" Jean told her. "Right" Historia nodded.

"It's useless, you know we won't make it" Eren looked to Historia. "So we should do nothing?! Wanna sit here and hold hands till, we're crushed, or till we're burned to death!? You know dying here won't make anything better!" Historia lectured him.

"Listen, I really hate that I do this to you all the time, but-" The captain began. He looked back at Eren, his eyes softer than normal. "-You've gotta make a choice here" the captain told him. "Eren" I called softly. He looked up at me. "I believe in you. You can do this" I smiled at him.

He grit his teeth before letting out a long yell. He snatched the vile out of my hand and ran towards the edge. "Eren!" Mikasa shouted. I smiled softly at my brother. Jean grabbed my hand in his and gave it a light squeeze. I looked up at Jean, he leant down and placed a kiss on my lips.

I watched as Eren brought the vile up to his mouth. The vile broke between his teeth. Eren's titan light formed around him. His titan form sat in front of us.

A bright, crystal like substance shot out all around Eren's titan. "Huh?" I made a noise of confusion. "Woah. What the?" Connie questioned. "Come on! Get under Eren!" The captain shouted. Jean squeezed my hand tighter as we made a break for under Eren. Eren's titan let out a roar. The crystal held the roof from collapsing on us.

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