Plan to Rescue Eren

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Inside the Walls – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

Hanji, Mikasa, captain Levi, and I sat in wagon, Armin was at the reins. Jean and Moblit were riding ahead, at the front. While Connie and Sasha were riding at the back. It was quiet until Mikasa spoke up.

"Hanji, you said you might know where they are" Mikasa spoke up. "I want to know that, and where the hell you got the book. It came out of nowhere" I added. "Oh yeah, guess I should explain how. Erwin gave me this scout report from an investigation on lord Reiss's land. It details a certain incident, which occurred five years ago on the Reiss's estate" Hanji explained.

Armin turned to look back at us in the wagon. "Five years?" Armin questioned. "When the walls fell" I looked down. A few flashbacks of mum being eaten filling my head. I gripped my head as another headache started forming. Mikasa wrapped an arm around me. "That's right. It was the day wall Maria was breached" Hanji confirmed. I let my head fall to my hands. 'Why won't the past just leave us alone?'

"I'll summarise the most important parts from the beginning. So, as far as regional lords went, lord Reiss was fair and well respected by the people. He had five children. The most well known of them was his eldest daughter, Frieda. She was a down to earth girl, who even the peasants adored-" Hanji began.

"-But five years ago, on that night, disaster struck. With the fall of wall Maria having plunged the world into chaos, bandits raided and set fire to the only chapel around. Unfortunately for them, the entire Reiss family had gathered there to pray. And so, the entire family was massacred by bandits that night, save one. Only Rod Reiss managed to escape with his life" Hanji finished explaining.

"That sounds a little suspicious. Saying that only he survived" I commented. "To top it all off, this incident occurred just a few days before Historia's mother was killed by the interior Military Police. So we know that in the immediate wake of losing his family, Rod Reiss sought out Historia. And something tells me that it wasn't out of a newfound paternal affection" Hanji added. "See, suspicious" I mentioned.

"Well she is of royal blood. Or do you think that bloodline has some other secrets?" The captain inquired. "It's possible but I'm not sure yet. What really stood out to me at least, was the fact that large parts of the chapel were destroyed. The chapel was built from stone. It would take a lot of time and effort to destroy it. If it was bandits, they'd have taken what they could and made a quick escape. Also, lord Reiss was the only witness, no one confirmed his story. Then lord Reiss rebuilt the chapel with his personal fortune almost immediately. What was his rush?" Hanji spoke. Everyone was now looking at Hanji.

"Is it possible, that it wasn't in fact bandits?" I asked Hanji. "More than likely. When you think about it the story can only make sense if it involved a titan attack" Hanji replied. "When you think about it, you said you think that Eren was being taken to Rod Reiss to be fed to another titan" I added.

"It may turn out that I'm jumping to conclusions, but it's suspicious enough to merit an investigation. And it's the only lead we have" Hanji added. "Let's just focus on getting there for now. I want my brother back" I sighed and ran a hand through my brown locks.

"Before the night is over, Reiss's land will be crawling with our soldiers. Unfortunately, we can't expect him to wait that long. We have to get there as soon as possible. Before Eren ends up in someone's stomach" Hanji told us. Hanji and I then swapped seats so she could face the Levi.

"The question then becomes how. You saw those soldiers and their equipment. It's unlike anything we've ever seen. Plus, there was that man..." I whispered the last part under my breath. "Huh? What was that?" Hanji asked. "You alright?" Mikasa asked me as she placed a hand on one of mine. "You don't have to whisper it brat" the captain told me.

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