Date (Part 2)

218 3 1

Wall Rose Scout Headquarters – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

I was about to grab the outfit when there was a knock at the door...

I skipped up to the door and unlocked it. I opened it and saw Mikasa standing on the other side. "Mikasa!" I exclaimed. "Hey (N/N)" Mikasa smiled at me. Mikasa looked passed me at Hanji and tilted her head in confusion. "Hello Mikasa!" Hanji waved enthusiastically.

"What's going on in here?" Mikasa asked as she stepped into the room and shut the door behind her. Hanji grinned and chuckled. "I'll let (N/N) tell you" Hanji grinned. Mikasa looked down at me expectantly. "Jean asked me to go out with him tonight" I whispered under my breath.

"What was that?" Mikasa inquired as she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Jean asked me on a date tonight" I repeated louder with the feeling of a blush present on my cheeks. Mikasa smiled down at me. "Let's get you ready then" Mikasa smiled down at me, I hugged her tightly.

"And let me know if he hurts you in anyway" Mikasa added with a scary look on her face. I gulped. "M-M-Mika... S-scary face" I told her. She quickly changed her face, smiled at me again and hugged me. "Sorry" She apologised. "It's okay" I assured her.

I walked back over to my bed and picked up my clothes before walking into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me once again. I set the clothes down on the counter before untying the towel from my hair and drying the last part.

I then picked up the skirt first and exchanged it with my slacks. I neatly folded the slacks and placed them on the counter before flattening out the skirt. I then exchanged my white short sleeved shirt for the long sleeved. I carefully buttoned up the shirt before tucking it into my skirt. I looked at myself in the mirror with a smile. I actually look pretty good. Going to Hanji was the right move.

I grabbed my hairbrush and walked out of the bathroom with my other clothes. "Aww! You look so cute and pretty!" Hanji squealed. "Hanji" I smiled shyly. "Hanji's right, you look amazing. I'm sure Jean with love it" Mikasa told me with a soft smile. I giggled a little. Who knew I could get so happy and excited over one small date.

(A/N: No this is seriously painful to write, I don't know what I'm doing. I suck at writing lovey stuff. Sorry!)

"Do you want me to do your hair?" Mikasa inquired. My eyes definitely lit up. I nodded repeatedly. Mikasa chuckled and held her hand out for the hairbrush, I immediately handed it to her. She sat down on the edge of her bed and gestured for me to sit on the floor in front of her. I obviously did as told.

She began brushing through my damp hair, careful not to hurt me in anyway. "Did Historia end up asking you about the braids?" I questioned. Mikasa hummed in response. Mikasa has always played with my hair since we were little. It's quite calming for me.

She began to braid my hair in a waterfall style braid (Ignore that if you have short hair). She was more careful with the braid than usual, I'd assume that's why it's taking longer too. I relaxed back into Mikasa.

"How'd you get so good with hair Mikasa?" Hanji inquired. "(Y/N) and I played with each other's hair when we were younger. I guess I just picked it up after a while" Mikasa explained. "I was never really good at it" I added. "Don't say that. I always thought you made my hair look beautiful" Mikasa told me. That comment made me truly happy. But we both know I always struggled with styling hair unless it was basic.

"There you go" Mikasa spoke and handed me my hairbrush. "Thank you Mikasa!" I exclaimed, standing up and pulling her into a hug. She hugged back.

I opened the draw beside my bed and placed my hairbrush in carefully. I pulled out the friendship bracelet Armin made me and held it in my hands. I smiled down at it briefly before returning it to my draw.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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