Sannes... And Some Bread

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Inside the Walls – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

I stood beside Jean, outside of an abandoned cottage with a dungeon conveniently, as we waited for Dimo's cart to pull up. "Damn this" Jean muttered. "You alright handsome?" I asked. "I just hate this. All of this. It's getting so confusing" Jean sighed. I placed a gentle hand on his back. He looked at me and I smiled at him. He gave me a smaller version of his usual grin.

The sound of a cart began to get closer. I quickly leaned up on my tip toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Love you" I whispered.

The cart came to a stop right in front of the cottage. I stood in between Jean and the captain. The back cart covering moved slightly and an MP with dark hair poked his head out. "Are we there?" He asked, before noticing the gun Jean was holding to his head.

He gasped. I smirked at him. He turned back and went to say something, but Jean knocked him out with the bottom of the rifle he held. The MP fell backwards. "Reeves you piece of-!" The other MP was cut off. Mikasa.

We pulled the two MP's out of the cart and started moving them into the cottage. We walked them through the doors and down the stairs to the cells. After dumbing the two idio- I mean MPs, we all sat down at a table in a main room.

I sat down on Jean's lap as he held me in a hug. Peppering the side of my face and neck with kisses. The captain walked in with gloves and an apron on. "I'll be going down to Sannes. Try not to bother me" the captain rolled his eyes. "Sir" we all acknowledged.

Within five minutes after he left agonising screams ripped through the building. I felt my stomach turn. Scream after scream ripped through the room. 'What in hells name is the captain doing down there?' I internally questioned. The thought of it made me genuinely terrified.

The sound of horses soon came close to the front of the house. That followed footsteps. I jumped off of Jean's lap and grabbed my knife from my boot. I moved to stand to the side of the door slightly.

The doorknob twisted back and forth for a moment before the door was flung open. I went to drive the knife into the side of whoever was there. "Ahhh!" The person shrieked. I stopped my knife before it could hit them, and I looked up at the person. Hanji and Moblit. Judging by Hanji's face, she was the one that shrieked.

I dropped the knife instantly. "Oh my walls... I'm so sorry!" I immediately apologised. I nearly stabbed Hanji. Oh. My. Walls. Hanji quickly caught her breath before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm not an enemy please, please, please don't stab me, my little cinnamon roll" Hanji requested. "I would never. If I had of known, it was you- I'm sorry" I apologised as I hugged her back. "I swear I'm going to take your knives" Moblit sighed and placed his hand on his head. "And yes, I know you have more than one" he then added.

"I am so sorry. If I had of- Oh walls" I stuttered. Hanji let me go and Moblit pulled me into a hug. "Calm down. It's alright" Moblit tried to assure me. "It's not alright! I nearly stabbed you and Hanji!" I exclaimed. "Breath. We're alright" Moblit told me. I hugged him back.

"Please don't kill her in the future kiddo" Moblit requested. "Nope. I won't" I told him. He smiled and released me, then placing a hand on my head and ruffling my hair.

Hanji then started bolting for the stairs that lead to Sannes. "Oh no" my eyes widened. "I'll go keep her... Held back" Moblit assured me before he ran after her.

Less than a minute later, more agonising screams were heard. I walked over to Jean and sat back down in his lap. The screams were louder and more painfilled than before. It makes sense, Hanji is bloody terrifying. Everyone boar grim expressions.

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