The Fall of Trost (Part 3)

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Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

We ran along the roofs in Trost. The sound of clinking tiles beneath us. I walked side by side with Mikasa, behind the rest of the squad. Cloud cover began picking back up making it slightly darker.

We were walking when I suddenly felt a weird pang feeling in my gut. Something was wrong. I turned my head back and looked to were the main destruction was. 'Please be alright Eren. Armin. Jean. Marco. Bertholdt. Eren' I said in my head. I stray tear made its way out of my eye and down my cheek. I looked back and up to Mikasa. She was looking the direction I just was. 'Did she feel it to?' I asked myself.

We walked for about another ten minutes before we were close to the gate. Everyone was silent. I decided to try and talk to Mikasa. "Mikasa?" I called out quietly. She stopped and turned to me. "Is it your head? Are you okay?" She began fussing over me. "My heads fine Mikasa don't worry. I wanted to know if, ten minutes ago, when we stopped and looked back. Did you feel a pang in your gut. Like something bad happened?" I asked her, holding in my tears. "I did but I'm sure everything is fine. Everyone will be fine" Mikasa assured me. I'm not sure she was convinced herself though.

A loud thumping brought me out of my thoughts. A sudden abnormal began running in the direction of the gates. "Shit" I mumbled as I began running after it. "Take it down!" Was shouted at all of us. We all took off on our ODM gear and went for the titan.

We couldn't catch it at first. Mikasa and I shared a glance that told us everything we needed to do. "Someone want to tell me why this son of a bitch is ignoring us?!" A fellow squad member shouted. "It san abnormal! Stop trying to figure him out!" Another shouted back. I honestly wasn't paying attention to who was talking as I didn't really care.

I knew what I needed. 'It was abnormal. It was heading for the gate. It needs to die' I retained the information in my mind. I was honestly to distracted by my friends lives right now to care how I did it. I remembered my mums death as I picked up more speed, trailing Mikasa.

"It's to fast! There is no way we'll overtake it before it reaches the gate!" Another shouted. 'That's what you think' I thought in my head. "Just stay on him!" The first soldier shouted back.

With that Mikasa and I sped ahead, going for the titan. I hooked into its head and brought my blades up. The sun rays reflecting off of them. I sprung myself around the head and across its face, taking out its eyes. It had no time to react. My blades made a clunking noise as I unhooked myself.

I unhooked myself and then Mikasa hooked into the nape. She grunted as she made a perfect slice to the nape. The chunk she had cut out landed beside me as she practically rode the titans head down like a ski board.

The titan fell down right in front off all the citizens. I ran up to Mikasa as she landed on the stone ground once more. I ran through the dust and stood beside her. The dust cleared and we both gasped.

There was a giant wagon blocking the gate. "The hell?" I muttered, completely jaw dropped. "Excuse me but, what is all this?" Mikasa asked the crowd. "Couldn't have asked for better timing! Hurry up and force these useless morons to push my wagon! We'll pay you handsomely!" A short fat man shouted at us.

"He is valuing human lives over a bloody wagon? He's blocking the way, risking the people I care about?" I angrily asked myself. "Seriously? Soldiers are dying back there. Laying down their lives for you, all because this is taking to long" Mikasa spoke with a look of horror on her face. "That's their job! You expect me to shed a tear because their doing what they signed on for? Their supposed to be willing to lay down their lives! Don't get all high ended on me just because you finally have to earn your own keep after all these years!" The short fatty yelled back at Mikasa. Mikasa's eyes darkened.

"Oh no you fucking don't" I growled. "Not just soldiers but people we care about asshat. People we love. So no. Don't you start yelling at her. Don't you dare fucking talk to her like that" I loudly growled as I began walking closer. I unsheathed one of my swords as I got closer.

The crowed parted as I walked closer. Mikasa followed behind me with both her swords in hand. "(Y/N) back down" Mikasa told me gently. "But-" I was cut off by Mikasa walking up by my side and beginning to talk. She directed her attention back straight ahead and her tone hardened.

"Yeah, no arguing with that. Your absolutely right sir, I guess its what you call the greater good. Still sometimes it's not the life or death of a soldier that makes the biggest difference-" I walked beside Mikasa, holding a glare of my own. I walked side by side with my sword gripped in my left hand. Two men suddenly stepped in front of fatty as we got closer.

"Don't you dare. Your commanding officer and I are old friends. One word from me and you'll be court marshalled! Believe it!" He threatened. With that the two men launched at us. Mikasa knocked one with the back of her sword as I knocked the other. They both fell to the dirty ground with a thud. My (H/L), brown hair flowing behind me as Mikasa's raven hair flowed behind her.

We walked right up to the fat man. I was a swords distance away as I lifted my sword and held it to him, centimetres away from his neck. "That word going to come from beyond the grave?" Mikasa asked him. He looked terrified. Mikasa lifted her sword above her head.

He panicked. "No, wait, please" he shouted putting his hands in front of him. Mikasa's blade landed in the same position as mine, both of us with our blade ends to is neck. Our blades positions and glares mirroring the others. "I don't care what threats you make. You don't hurt my family" I told him in a low, threatening tone.

"Sir, I think we should pull the wagon out" one of the mans assistants suggested to him. The mans scared expression turned into one of stress mixed with fear. By now my emotions were that far gone that I had a Mikasa like personality... Almost. "Pull the damn wagon out" the man instructed.

I smirked at his statement and lowered my blade. I placed it back in its holder. They pulled the wagon out and the citizens began running through the gate.

Mikasa hand began walking off, I turned to the man one last time. "Don't ever insult my family again" I growled. With that I walked over and stood beside Mikasa.

A small girl looked to me and Mikasa. "You're amazing!" she shouted. I gave her and her mum a small smile. "You saved our lives misses. We are all in your debt" the mother told us.

Mikasa's eyes widened at the statement as did mine. Mikasa holstered her blade and we both turned and saluted the woman and her child. Mikasa smiled at bit, to which I smiled at her. The child gasped and had a wide grin on her face.

The rain was quick to pick up as we began walking back to our squad. The steam from the decaying titan was thick and it blocked my view of the front of the town and anything in general. The roads were soon soaking.

We landed on a roof by Ian. "Good work Ackerman, Jaeger. I'm impressed" Ian praised us. "Thank you, sir. We tried our best" I replied, sounding sadder towards the end of my statement. "We did what we could here sir but thank you. I need to be a bit more careful in the future. I inadvertently dulled both of the blades" Mikasa told him. "As I damaged my blades and used a lot of gas. Sorry sir" I added, explaining. Mikasa and I both ejected out damaged blades and clipped the holders to fresh blades.

"Want on earth have you both lived through to be so nonchalant" Ian asked us. I flashed back to mum being eaten. Any hope I have of Eren and my friends being okay. The titan that almost killed me five years ago. Mikasa's past. 'I wont let that happen again. I'm losing anyone else' I told myself.

Mikasa placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, this snapped me out of my flashbacks. She looked at me and I could tell in her eyes that she had remembered most of what I had.

Ian noticed our sorrowful faces as Mikasa turned to him. I kept my gaze averted. "I'm sorry that was uncalled for" he apologised. I sent him a sad smile and Mikasa lifted he scarf to cover most of her face.

I looked into her eyes and I had a flashback...

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