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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 847

Y/N's Point of View:

Time Skip

"Eren Jaeger. Are you ready?" Commandant Shadis asked my brother. "Yes sir!" He exclaimed. I saw in his eyes he was determined. "You can do it Eren" I whispered to myself. Mikasa and Armin stood on either side of me as we watched.

"Begin" Shadis said. With that they began lifting him up. I watched cautiously. As he was lifted, he didn't fall right away, phew. I wasn't sure if he would or not anymore. I watched everyone stand, mouths agape. He was finally at the given height. He didn't fall!

Everyone began shouting and cheering. I was so proud. I looked to Mikasa with a massive smile, she smiled back at me. I finally turned to Reiner and Bertholdt, I mouthed a quick 'thank you.' I got a smirk and thumbs up from Reiner and a 'you're welcome' mouthed back my Bertholdt.

I looked back at Eren, he began wobbling. Eren then began falling backwards. I immediately went to run to his aid but was held back by Mikasa. "He's okay, calm down" she told me. I looked at her then looked towards Eren, the commandant was standing over him.

"No. Not yet, once more, I can do it" Eren began begging whilst hanging upside down. "Lower him" was all that came out of Shadis mouth at first. Eren was then lowered to the ground. "Wagner, please swap belts with Jaeger" Shadis finally spoke.

I watched as Eren and Thomas exchanged belts. Eren was then lifted into the air. It was like a whole new person, he held himself up. He was doing it.

"Your belt was faulty. If given proper equipment you might not be as useless. The equipment mangers failed to notice this broken clasp. I might have to visit the supply depo and crack a few skulls" Shadis spoke. 'How did he know to look for the clasp, let alone the belt' I thought to myself. "H-he still did it. Even with the broken gear" Someone spoke up. A few people started whispering things like amazing and awesome. I turned to part of the group were Daz and the soldier from the other night stood. "I told you he was amazing you idiots" I exclaimed with a smirk.

"So you mean, I didn't washout?" Eren asked. "You made the cut. Now... Keep training cadet!" Shadis replied. Eren then threw his hands in the air. I smiled at his happiness. "Go Eren!" I shouted, smiling. I heard Marco, Reiner, Bertholdt, Armin and Jean chuckle.

"It seems like things worked out for him" Reiner told us. "Yeah, look. His eyes are saying check me out" Armin added. "No. There not" Mikasa and I said together. We looked at each other, momentarily shocked, but we ended up smiling at each other. "His eyes are saying that he doesn't have to leave us. Not anymore" Mikasa elaborated, turning back to Eren as I did the same. "He can stay with us and we can work side by side till the end" I added, smiling as happy, yet soft as humanly possible.

After a couple more minutes they finally lowered Eren down to the ground. "Eren!" I shouted running over to him. He opened his arms, and I ran into them, hugging him tightly. "I'm so proud of you Eren" I whispered into him as we hugged. "I'm the one that's supposed to be proud of you, squirt" he said, stepping back and ruffling my hair. "We may be related, but next time you mess with my hair, I'm setting Mikasa on you" I glared at him.

"Eren!" Everyone shouted running over. "Good job" Reiner said, patting Eren's back. "You did well" Bertholdt added. "We're all happy for you Eren" Armin told him. "Thanks guys" Eren replied. "Mum and Dad would be proud to" I told him. "Thanks (N/N)" he said, smiling at me.

I looked to passed the group and saw the commandant walking to his office. "I'll meet up with you guys later!" I called running off to Shadis's office. I ran up to the door and took a deep breath before knocking.

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