It's Really Her

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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 847

Y/N's Point of View:

I ran all the way to the girls dorms after my encounters. First Armin's, Eren's and Mikasa's duple gangers and then being punched. This is not my day.

I ran through the door and a long haired blond girl, who was the same height as me greeted me. "Hi, my name is Krista, Krista Lenz. What's your name?" "My name is (Y/N), (Y/N) Ral" I replied. I looked around the room at all the bunks. I noticed one that didn't have a bag on it.

I walked over and placed my bag on it. After I placed my bag, I opened it briefly. I pulled out my bracelet and put it on. I then closed my bag then sat down.

Krista came walking back up to me with another girl. The other girl was tall, she had short brown hair and freckles. "(Y/N), this is Ymir. Ymir this is (Y/N)" she spoke. "Nice to meet you Ymir" I smiled at her. "Tsk. Just keep your hands off my Krista" she coldly replied. To bad for her I wasn't going to let her deflate my bubbly mood. "Don't worry Ymir. Krista is all yours, but I will give her a friendly hug from time to time" I said. Ymir smirked slightly and Krista grinned widely.

"(Y/N) are you coming to the mess hall for dinner?" Krista asked me. "Sure! Why not?" I walked off with the girls towards the mess hall. They had really cheered me up.

We walked into the mess hall. When we got there, we opened the doors. The rest of the cadet were already there. There were three spare spots left. Unfortunately two where on one table and the other was on another.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I turned to Ymir and Krista once we had our food. "You two go and sit together. I will be fine on my own" I told them. "Are you sure?" Krista asked me. "It's fine. Go!" I said pushing them in friendly manner. They turned to me and smiled.

I then walked off to the spare chair. I hadn't realized till now the table I shared was with Marco, Reiner, Bertholdt and Jean. I walked over and sat next to Reiner. I was being my normal self, so I greeted them, "hi guys!" I beamed. They all looked to me, except Jean. "Hey (Y/N)" Marco replied. I sat across from Jean who still a voided eye contact.

"Jean, I'm sorry about earlier. Please forgive me. I won't hit you unless required again" I spoke in a bubbly manner. "It's fine. I'm sorry too" he apologized. I grinned and shook his hand. "And sorry to Marco and Reiner. I didn't mean to trip you" I smiled at them.

We continued eating, chatting, and laughing for the rest of the night. I had had the most fun since I saw Petra last. That was a while ago.

Time Skip

I was back in the girls dorms, talking to Krista and Ymir who I had bonded well with. Mostly Krista but Ymir is really cool too. Breaking up the playful night was a cold voice speaking out "whose bag is this?" she asked. Everyone gulped. "Don't worry. I am not mad or anything. I just want to meet my bunkmate" easing up the tension I stepped forward. "That would be me" I said bubbly yet terrified.

"What's your name?" she asked, "my name is (Y/N), (Y/N) Ral. What is yours?" I replied then asked. "My name is Mikasa, Mikasa Ackerman" she told me. I froze. "M-Mika" I whispered under my breath. No one seemed to hear me. With that I ran out the door.

I ran outside the door and into the frosty night. I ran below the deck and cried. I can't believe it. "It's... It's really her. Mikasa." I cried quietly to myself. I don't know what to do anymore. I-I can't believe she was alive.

After about half an hour Krista came outside with Ymir looking for me. "(Y/N)" she called out as she ran towards me. "What's wrong? What was that about?" she questioned. "If I tell you can you keep a secret?" I asked. "Of course. We're friends, aren't we?" she replied. Ymir just nodded.

"O-okay then. Mikasa is my adoptive sister" I blurted out. Krista looked shocked and Ymir just laughed. "Ymir! This is not funny" Krista scolded. She then gestured for me to continue. "My real name is (Y/N) Jaeger. I'm Eren's younger sister and Mikasa's adopted younger sister. I came from Shiganshia district where we were separated during the fall. I was found and then raised by the Ral family" I explained. By the end of it they were both in shock.

After a while of talking and calming down we went back inside. I went up to Mikasa and apologized. "I'm sorry Mikasa. You just gave me a fright" I lied. "I am sorry to" with that I hopped into my P.J.'s and went to sleep.

Time Skip to Morning

I woke up and found uniforms on the front porch for us. I grabbed mine and went to the showers. I had a shower and hoped into my uniform.

Soon I found myself in a line of cadets. Meeting our commandant and receiving lectures and insults. The commandant said his name was Keith Shadis, why does it sound familiar? The commandant began walking up and down the rows yelling at random cadets.

He yelled at cadet after cadet. Then he yelled at one that struck a nerve. "Hey mop top!" he yelled. "Sir" I saw who I'd guest to be Armin reply. Ever since meeting Mikasa, I thought it was possible that it was Armin. "What do they call you maggot!?" He questioned. I felt my fist clench at the insult. "Armin Arlert, from Shiganshia, sir!" Armin yelled. I couldn't believe it. It was him. It was Armin.

"Wow, honestly, why would your parents curse you with such a dumb name!?" he questioned. I grit my teeth. No one talks to my friend like that! "It was my grandfathers sir!" Armin replied. "Cadet Arlert why is a runt like you hear!?" the commandant yelled. "To help humanity overcome the titans" he replied. "Wow, that's great to hear. You'll be a nice snack for them" he shouted. My knuckles turned white and I tried to calm down but failed. I hadn't lashed out yet though.

He continued to yell and scare the cadets. Even headbutting Jean. I felt pity for him. He then came upon the girl I was standing next to. She was eating a potato. Really? He began yelling at her. He finished by telling her to run laps and taking away some meal privileges.

The commandant was about to pass me when he looked down and saw my fists. "What's with the fists maggot?!" he yelled. Now I was passed pissed. I remained silent which pissed him off more. "What's your name and why are you clenching your fists?!" he yelled getting angrier.

"My name is (Y/N) Ral. From Shiganshia and Wall Rose and my fists are only clenched because you are being an ass", I whispered the last part. "What was that Cadet Ral?!" he yelled in my face. "I said. You were being an ass. You don't just get to yell at Armin and get away with it asshole" I said louder so he could hear it. He glared at me. "Start running laps and meet me in my office at noon" he screamed. He then continued moving on through the cadets.

Time Skip

I finished my laps and then went to Commandant Shadis office. I knocked twice then heard a gruff "come in." I slowly entered. I looked at the desk where the commandant sat. I sat down in an opposing chair to him and looked around the room.

My eyes landed on an old piece of paper with colourful writing on it. I instantly recognized the paper. "I see you can't keep your eyes to yourself" He grumbled as he stood up and made his way to the card on his wall. "Sir, if I may ask. Where did you get that card?" I asked. "I will only answer if you tell me what was with the attitude" he snapped back. "Fine. I hate it when people insult my friends. I always have" I answered. "Keep that temper under control or there will be consequences next time. As for the card... I think you already know the answer, don't you?" he told me.

"Sir. Were you commander of the scout regiment?" I questioned. "Yes. I was. That position now falls to commander Erwin" he replied. "Sir. I apologize for my actions. I still believe you helped humanity a lot. I look forward to your classes sir" I stated whilst saluting at him. He smiled slightly before his frown returned. "Your dismissed Cadet" he told me.

I walked out of his office. And joined back in with the other cadets. Geez it has been a tough two days. Although if Armin and Mikasa are here... does that mean? Or is he... No. No time to think about that. It's time to train. It's time to fore fill your dream!

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