So This is Love?

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Safe House – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

Jean and I got back to the house at sunset. We tied our horses up and walked inside. Hand in hand. Jean opened the door for me. 'He's such a sweetheart' the single thought sticking to me like glue.

We walked into the small house, hand in hand. Sasha and Connie were on lookout. Historia was reading a book, Armin was working on dinner, Mikasa and Eren were nowhere to be seen. "I take it as Eren's resting and Mikasa's watching over him?" (Y/N) spoke. "Yeah" Armin answered from inside the kitchen.

"You can go see him" Jean spoke sadly, pulling his hand from mine. 'Why does he get jealous like this?' I internally asked myself. I furrowed my brows and grabbed his hand with my own. "Eren can wait. Besides, he has Mikasa. I want to be with you" I smiled. He blushed slightly and pulled me in for a kiss. His soft lips on my own.

"Happy?" I asked once we broke apart. "Very" he answered with a smirk, as he caressed my cheek. "Aww" Historia cooed.

"Well then, considering we have the rest of the night to relax, do you want to cuddle up?" Jean asked. "Sure" I cuddled into his chest, still standing up. "That has got to be uncomfortable" Jean sighed with a playful eye roll. "Sorta" I admit.

"Come on. We can go to my room" Jean suggested. Armin raised a questioning eyebrow from in the kitchen. Poking his head out and looking at Jean. 'Protective, much?' I internally laughed. "Not like that!" Jean out his hands up in defence. Armin nodded at him and continued cooking in the kitchen. "So?" Jean redirected at me. "Sure" I smiled at him lazily.

Jean wrapped his arm around me as we walked towards his room. My head stayed on his arm as we walked. We got to his room, he opened the door and closed it behind himself.

He walked over to his bed and plopped down, before patting the bed beside him, gesturing for me to do the same. I lay down next to him. I lay my head on his chest, he had one arm wrapped around me and the other playing with my hair. Twirling it around his finger, running his fingers through it, massaging my scalp. How did I land such an amazing, patient man?

"Jean" I called. "Hm?" Jean acknowledged. "Thank you" I thanked. "For what?" Jean chuckled slightly. "For always being here for me. For helping me through these messed up months. For being so patient with me. For even caring about me" I answered. I felt his hand move to under my chin. He then tilted my head up gently, so that I faced him. "I care about you more than anyone in this world. I love you (Y/N)" Jean spoke softly, then placing his lips on my own.

The feeling sending sparks through me, no matter how many times it happened. I gently kissed back. Our lips moving in perfect sink with one another. "I love you too Jean" I whispered as we pulled apart.

"I will always be here for you, I promise" Jean promised me. I lay my head back down on his chest. I could hear the calming sound of his thumping heart. 'Thump. Thump. Thump.' The same comforting sound repeating, over and over again. I felt his arm wrap more securely around me as his hand began playing with my hair again.

'If only mum could see us now' I smiled at my own thoughts. There is no one is in the whole world I would rather be with now. My physical home may have been crushed in Shiganshia, but my home will always be where he is. I never thought I could love someone like this. I always thought any love, other than family love, was the grossest thing ever. Now I see that I couldn't have been more wrong. So this is love? Damn horse face.

I felt my eyes gradually grow heavier. "You can rest. I'll wake you up for dinner" Jean whispered to me. "Thank you" I whispered back. I let my eyes close. The nice feeling of Jean's chest rising and falling. "I love you" Jean's voice being the last thing I heard before I let sleep take over.

Jean's Point of View

I noticed (Y/N)'s eyes becoming more and more closed by the minute. She must me exhausted. Constantly worrying about her brother, about her family, about all of us. "You can rest. I'll wake you up for dinner" I assured her, my voice a quiet whisper. "Thank you" she whispered back to me.

I watched as her eyes closed. "I love you" I told her. I felt as her breathing became rhythmic, alerting me she was asleep.

This beautiful, hot, amazing girl is my world now. Sure I have my mum in Trost, but (Y/N) is something else. Her determination, her beauty, her intelligence, her kindness, and compassion. She is the most amazing human in this world.

I looked down at her. Her lips were slightly parted as she slept. Some stands of hair fell over her face. I carefully and slowly moved my arm to her face. I gently brushed the loose hair from her gorgeous face.

I looked at her, admiring her soft, beautiful, (S/T) skin. Her thick, shinny, brown hair. Her soft, pinkish lips. She was my definition of perfect. Her beauty, her personality. She. Is. Perfect.

After around five minuets there was a soft knock on the door. It slowly opened after. It was Mikasa. She looked at me and I tilted my head down to (Y/N). Mikasa looked at (Y/N) and smiled softly. "Is she asleep?" Mikasa whisper-questioned. I nodded slightly. "Thank you" Mikasa thanked me. I smiled and nodded again. She shut the door and left.

Her lips curved up slightly in her sleep. I wonder what she's dreaming about? I'll ask her when she's awake. If she want's to talk about it, that is. I kept my arm securely wrapped around her. So this is love, huh?

(Y/N)'s Point of View


"Eren!" I called out. The younger, seven year old, boy turned to me. I ran up to him and he opened his arms for me. I hugged him, as he hugged me. "Hey (Y/N)" Eren greeted with his usual smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously. "I was exploring, want to come?" Eren asked. "Sure!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand. We both started running towards a field with trees. And flowers. "Wow" I gasped. Eren chuckled at me.

I sat down in the field of flowers and picked a few. I had an idea. I began weaving the flowers together. Eren approached me after five minutes. I assumed he climbed that medium sized tree on the hill.

"What you doing (N/N)?" Eren asked me. I patted the grass next to me. Eren got what I meant and sat down. I picked up a bright, colourful flower crown I made him. I placed the flower crown on his head and smiled. Eren looked at me shocked for a minute before he smiled. "Thank you (N/N)" Erne thanked me. "Of course! Do you like it?" I asked. "I love it" Eren replied.

He wrapped an arm around me as we watched the sunsetting. "I love you (Y/N). So much" Eren told me out of the blue. "I love you too Erey" I told him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

Dream End

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