You Have My Loyalty

120 5 0

Trost – 850

(Y/N)'s Point of View

"Jean!" I screamed. Then a loud gunshot...

Armin had turned back and shot the woman standing over Jean. My eyes widened as the woman fell out of the wagon. Mikasa backed away from the scene.

Within seconds, more enemy soldiers were on us. "Shit. Armin! Jean!" The captain shouted. The two soldiers aimed their guns at Armin and Jean. The captain and I flew down, he grabbed Jean and I grabbed Armin. Both of us getting out of the way in time. The two soldiers took control of the wagon again.

I set Armin down before running after the wagon on foot. Mikasa dodged a few bullets before landing on the ground as well. More soldiers escaped through the gate. I felt an arm stop me from moving.

"Let them go" Captain Levi ordered me. I looked down at him angrily, before looking back, Armin was holding Mikasa back. "No!" I struggled to get away from him. "We're running on fumes!" The captain replied. "No!" Mikasa shouted.

I got around the captains arm. He then moved his arm to hold me back better. "Let me go! Eren!" I tried to get out of his grip. "Eren!" Mikasa shouted. "No! Damn it! Eren!" I cry-shouted.

Footsteps came up behind me. Arms then wrapped around me. Jean. "No..." I breathed out. I fell back into Jean, gritting my teeth. He was gone. They took my brother away from me again. What is wrong with this world?

Mikasa came running over. She began inspecting my bleeding face. "Are you okay? What happened?" Mikasa asked. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me Mikasa" I told her, standing up again. I brushed some stray tears from my face. The cuts now starting to ache a little.

"Let's go" the captain ordered. Jean grabbed my hand and held it as we began heading back to the warehouse. Eren was taken, again. What is with him and getting kidnapped? I watched the ground as we used the last of our gas to get back to warehouse. No one spoke a word as we walked.

We arrived at the warehouse. Armin ran to the river and started throwing up, Mikasa went with him. Jean pulled me inside and sat me down. Sasha was cleaning and stitching up the captains cuts and wounds.

Jean grabbed a cloth and some water, before sitting down in front of me. He brought the cloth to my face. "I'm sorry, this will probably sting" he apologised. He began to lightly dab the cloth over the cut, wiping away any excess blood as he went. A certain point on a cut made me hiss in pain slightly. "Sorry" Jean apologised as he continued.

Jean soon had me patched up. A bandage on my left hand and a piece of gauze on my head. Jean was really kind about it, cracking a joke every now and then, causing me to laugh slightly. "Thank you, Jean" I thanked. "Of course baby" he replied, caressing my cheek. He leant down and placed a quick kiss on my lips.

Armin then walked in with Mikasa. Mikasa then handed Sasha the rifle and switched places on look out. I walked up to Armin and Mikasa. "How are you feeling Armin?" I asked my best friend. "Better, thank you" Armin gave me a small smile. "If it makes you feel any better, I felt sick too, believe it or not" I tried to comfort him. "I believe you (N/N). Always have" Armin smiled.

"I'm sorry for brushing you off earlier Mika. I was just upset, but that doesn't excuse what I did" I looked down. Mikasa pulled me into a hug. "It alright (N/N). I'm upset too, but I needed to know you were okay" Mikasa told me. I hugged her back. "Thank you... Mika" I whispered.

Time Skip

We all sat around a lantern. I had a mug of tea in my hands, not that I had drinken any. Armin sat there with a sickened look on his face. He held uneaten field rations in his hand. I sat on the ground beneath Jean, him running his fingers through my hair.

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