His Heartbeat

315 10 0

Trost – 850

Y/N's Point of View

The seven of us, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Jean, Mikasa, Connie and I, were walking down the step to get in position. "Okay, I'm going to ask the obvious question, can we do this without ODM gear?" Connie asked. "No problem. These guys are only four meters tall. Their weak spots aren't to far above eye level" Reiner replied.

"He's right, size wont be the issue. The spots still only one meter high and ten centimetres across" Jean joined in. "We should be fine" He continued.

"Worst comes to worst, you can always just shove one of these up their arse" Reiner said, lifting his blade in the air. "It won't come to that Reiner. If you miss, I've got your back. Both of you, I promised" I told Reiner.

"Yeah, we know. But that's the other weak spot" Reiner joked. "Are you serious. That's new news to me" Connie exclaimed.

"Come on Reiner. You want your final words to be an arse joke?" Jean asked. "You want yours to be scolding him?" I asked him, sarcasm lacing my voice. "I think you know what I want my final words to be" Jean commented slyly. I blushed and shut up. "Woah, what'd you say to get her to shut up so fast?" Reiner joked. "I told her she knows what I want my final words to be" Jean answered. "And they are?" Reiner asked, intrigued yet choosing to be annoying. "Shut up." I ordered them coldly. "I'll find out later (N/N)!" Reiner vowed, funnily.

We arrived and we walked along the beams till we were in position. I positioned myself in my position. I glance up and saw Jean and Mikasa. I gave Jean a smile and Mikasa a nod. She nodded back and Jean gave me a smile back too.

The lift was then lowered. I looked and spotted Marco and Armin. 'For the love of the walls, stay safe. All of you' I said in my head as I looked around. The lift then stopped. I watched as the titans began to walk closer to the lift.

Marco then readied his gun, followed by everyone else. I began to panic internally as a titan lined its eye up with the end of Marco's gun. 'Come on Marco, come on' I repeated in my mind. Then he finally spoke. "Fire!" he shouted.

All of a sudden bright flashed came from the guns and steam began to appear from there eyes. They all stopped shooting and we jumped. I slice straight at the nape and scored a clean cut. My titan fell. I looked around.

My attention was suddenly pulled by Berthold yelling. "Connie missed!" He shouted. "Lead it the hell back!" Jean ordered. I ran up to Connie and pushed him away as the titan lunged at him. Connie was safe but unfortunately it grabbed my leg. "Shit!" I yelled. Thankfully, Annie came and sliced the nape.

Its grip on my leg loosened as it died. I got up quickly and ran to Annie, I hugged her briefly. "Thank you, Annie," I whispered. She gave me a slight smile and a nod. Then Mikasa sped over. "Oh my walls. (Y/N) are you okay!?" Mikasa began panicking as she hugged me. "Mikasa, I'm fine, I promise. All thanks to Annie" I told her. "Thanks Annie" she thanked Annie with a nod.

"I owe you both one" Connie said to me and Annie. Annie nodded, "no worries" and I smiled, "it's all good Con." "Wow, by the skin of your teeth. You're lucky you didn't end up worse off" Reiner commented.

"Why, would you be worried?" I teased. "Maybe" Bertholdt said. My jaw dropped. "Oh shut it. You're like our little sister" Reiner said as he head locked me. "You giant shit. Let me go!" I tried to escape. He eventually let me go as i could not escape on my own.

"Alright then! Start loading up supplies!" Jean ordered. "It worked!" I heard Armin exclaim. I looked up at him and Marco and smiled. Marco then finally had the adrenaline wear off. He collapsed back. "Marco!" I called. "I'm alright!" He called back, he sounded faint.

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